SwiftUI and Augmented Reality in iOS Development with Swift

iOS Guru
2 min readMay 24, 2023

Augmented Reality (AR) is a technology that allows us to superimpose computer-generated images, sounds, and other sensations on top of a user’s view of the real world. It is used in many areas, such as gaming, education, and even in medical applications. With the introduction of Apple’s SwiftUI framework, it is now easier than ever to build AR apps for iOS devices.

What is SwiftUI?

SwiftUI is a declarative framework for building user interfaces on Apple platforms. It allows developers to create user interfaces quickly and easily by using a declarative syntax. SwiftUI also provides a wide range of features for building apps for Apple devices, including support for Augmented Reality.

How to Use SwiftUI for AR Apps

Using SwiftUI to build an AR app is relatively straightforward. The first step is to set up the AR session. This is done by creating an ARSession object and setting its configuration property. The configuration property is used to specify the type of AR experience you want to create, such as a 3D object or a marker-based experience. Once the session is set up, the next step is to add the AR content to the scene.

To add AR content to the scene, you can use the ARView class. This class provides a view that renders the AR content. You can then add any 3D objects, images, or other content to the scene using the ARView’s add(_:) method. Finally, you can use the ARView’s update(_:) method to update the content in the scene.

Example of SwiftUI AR App

The following code example shows how to create a simple AR app using SwiftUI. This app will display a 3D cube in the scene:

import SwiftUI
import ARKit

struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
let configuration = ARWorldTrackingConfiguration()
let arView = ARView(frame: .zero,
cameraMode: .ar,
worldTracking: configuration)
let cube = MeshResource.generateBox(width: 0.1,
height: 0.1,
length: 0.1)
let cubeNode = ModelEntity(mesh: cube,
materials: [SimpleMaterial()])
cubeNode.position = [0, 0, -1]
return arView

In this code, we first create an ARWorldTrackingConfiguration object and an ARView object. We then create a 3D cube using the MeshResource.generateBox() method. We then create a ModelEntity object to represent the cube in the scene. Finally, we add the cube to the scene using the ARView’s addAnchor() method.


SwiftUI makes it easy to create AR apps for iOS devices. By using the ARView class, you can quickly and easily add 3D objects, images, and other content to the scene. With the help of SwiftUI, you can create powerful and immersive AR experiences for your users.



iOS Guru
iOS Guru

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