Using SwiftUI and Custom Video Recorder for iOS Development

iOS Guru
3 min readApr 21, 2023

iOS developers have long been able to create custom video recorders for their apps. With the introduction of SwiftUI, Apple has made this process even easier. SwiftUI is a modern UI framework that allows developers to quickly and easily create user interfaces with less code. This makes it ideal for creating custom video recorders that are both user-friendly and powerful. In this article, we’ll discuss how to use SwiftUI and custom video recorders to create an iOS app.

Creating a Custom Video Recorder with SwiftUI

The first step to creating a custom video recorder with SwiftUI is to create a view that will contain the video recorder. This view will be the main interface for the user to interact with the recorder. To create this view, you’ll need to use the VStack container. The VStack container allows you to stack elements vertically, which is perfect for creating a video recorder.

Once you’ve created the VStack container, you'll need to add the elements that will make up the video recorder. This includes the video preview view, the recording button, and the stop button. To add these elements, you'll need to use the HStack container. The HStack container allows you to stack elements horizontally, which is perfect for creating a video recorder.

Once you’ve added the elements to the HStack container, you'll need to add the code that will control the video recorder. This code will be responsible for starting and stopping the recording, as well as displaying the video preview. To do this, you'll need to use the AVFoundation framework. The AVFoundation framework provides the tools necessary to create a custom video recorder.

Once you’ve added the code to control the video recorder, you’ll need to add the code to handle the user’s interactions with the video recorder. This code will be responsible for handling the user’s taps on the recording and stop buttons, as well as displaying the video preview. To do this, you’ll need to use the UIKit framework. The UIKit framework provides the tools necessary to create a custom video recorder with user interaction.

Once you’ve added all of the code necessary to create a custom video recorder, you’ll be able to use SwiftUI to create a user-friendly and powerful video recorder. With SwiftUI, you can create a user interface that is both user-friendly and powerful. This makes it ideal for creating custom video recorders that are both user-friendly and powerful.

Sample SwiftUI Source Code

struct VideoRecorderView: View {
var body: some View {
VStack {
// Video Preview

// Recording Button
Button(action: {
// Start Recording
}) {

// Stop Button
Button(action: {
// Stop Recording
}) {

This is a sample SwiftUI source code for creating a custom video recorder. This code creates a VStack container, which contains a video preview view, a recording button, and a stop button. The recording and stop buttons use the AVFoundation and UIKit frameworks, respectively, to control the video recorder.

Using SwiftUI and custom video recorders, you can quickly and easily create powerful and user-friendly video recorders for your iOS apps. With SwiftUI, you can create a user interface that is both user-friendly and powerful. This makes it ideal for creating custom video recorders that are both user-friendly and powerful.

