Installing the distribution on a mini PC.

Alexander Dud
3 min readFeb 21, 2022


It is not difficult to install on a mini PC. You need to download the installation iso ( downnload ) and write it to a USB stick with any convenient application. I use balenaEtcher.

And of course we boot from a USB flash drive.

The developers of have made not exactly an installation ISO, but a live CD with an image of and a dozen utilities useful to any Linux administrator, including lynis, rkhunter, chkrootkit, clamav.
And yet, let’s continue.

I connect via SSH — it’s more convenient for me, but you can also connect a monitor and a keyboard.

I get the IP address via DHCP from my router and it is easy to find out the address, but if you have connected a monitor and a keyboard, the command


will give you the IP address.

Enter commands in the terminal.

fdisk -l

Write the image to the disk /dev/sda

dd if=fastos.img of=/dev/sda bs=4M; sync;

Let’s see the sections.

parted /dev/sda print

I decided to increase partition 2 to 450G .

parted /dev/sda resizepart 2 450G

resize2fs /dev/sda2


Plugging in. The default IP address is

login: root

password: fastos

I like — it’s a synergy of networking capabilities, a compact and fast Linux distribution, Docker and LXC containers.

