Building an IoT Application Using Quarkus: A Comprehensive Guide

5 min readDec 4, 2023
Develop an IoT Application using Quarkus

In the rapidly evolving landscape of technology, the Internet of Things (IoT) has emerged as a transformative force, connecting physical devices to the digital world. Developing efficient and scalable IoT applications requires a suitable set of tools and frameworks. Quarkus, a Kubernetes Native Java stack tailored for GraalVM and OpenJDK HotSpot, has gained popularity for its ability to create lightweight and fast microservices. In this blog, we will explore the process of building an IoT application using Quarkus, from setting up the development environment to deploying a fully functional application.

=> Understanding Quarkus

Quarkus is a framework designed to address the challenges of developing cloud-native applications. It aims to optimize Java for containerized environments and serverless architectures. Some key features of Quarkus include:

  1. Supersonic Subatomic Java: Quarkus is known for its swift startup times and low memory usage, making it ideal for resource-constrained environments commonly found in IoT devices.
  2. Extension Ecosystem: Quarkus supports a rich set of extensions that simplify the integration of various technologies and services, like databases, messaging systems, and security mechanisms.
  3. Native Compilation: Quarkus allows you to compile your Java application into a native executable using GraalVM. This results in improved startup times and reduced memory footprint.
  4. Developer Joy: Quarkus provides a development mode that enables hot reloading, allowing developers to see changes instantly without restarting the application.

=> Setting Up the Development Environment

Before diving into the IoT application development process, it’s crucial to set up the development environment. Follow these steps to get started with Quarkus:

  1. Install JDK 11+: Quarkus requires Java Development Kit (JDK) 11 or later. Install a compatible JDK on your machine.
  2. Install Apache Maven: Typically, you can build Quarkus projects using Apache Maven. Install Maven and ensure configuring it correctly.
  3. Install GraalVM (Optional): While not mandatory, using GraalVM for native compilation can significantly enhance the performance of your Quarkus application.
  4. Install Quarkus CLI (Optional): The Quarkus Command Line Interface (CLI) provides additional tools for creating and managing Quarkus projects. Install it if you prefer a command-line interface.

=> Creating a Quarkus Project

With the development environment set up, let’s create a Quarkus project for our IoT application. Open a terminal and execute the following commands:

Developing a Quarkus Project

This Maven command uses the Quarkus Maven plugin to generate a new project with the specified parameters. Adjust the values according to your preferences.

=> Exploring the Project Structure

Quarkus projects follow a standard directory structure. Steer to the task directory and explore the essential files and folders:

  • src/main/java: Get the Java source code for your application.
  • src/test/java: Includes the test source code.
  • src/main/resources: Houses configuration files and static resources.
  • pom.xml: The Maven Project Object Model (POM) file, where project dependencies and configurations are defined.

=> Building the IoT Application

Now that we have a basic project structure, let’s start building our IoT application. For this example, we’ll create a simple application that simulates IoT device data.

  1. Define the Model: Create a class to represent the IoT device data. Open src/main/java/com/example/ and define the class as follows:

2. Create the REST Endpoint: Open src/main/java/com/example/ and implement a REST endpoint to handle IoT data. Modify the class as follows:

This class defines a REST endpoint that allows the addition of IoT data via a POST request and retrieves all IoT data via a GET request.

3. Configure Application Properties: Open src/main/resources/ and configure the application properties. For simplicity, we’ll use an in-memory H2 database:

4. Test the Application: Execute the following command to start the Quarkus development mode:

This command launches the Quarkus application in development mode, enabling hot reloading for seamless development.

5. Interact with the API: Use tools like cURL, Postman, or your preferred REST client to interact with the API. For example, you can use cURL to add IoT data:

Retrieve all IoT data:

=> Building a Native Image (Optional)

To leverage the full potential of Quarkus, consider building a native image using GraalVM. This process compiles the application into a standalone native executable, resulting in improved startup times and reduced memory consumption.

  1. Install GraalVM: Download and install GraalVM following the official instructions.
  2. Set GraalVM as Default: Set GraalVM as the default Java version by running:

3. Build Native Image: Execute the following Maven command to build the native image:

This command generates a native executable in the target/ directory.

4. Run the Native Image: Run the native image using:

Congratulations! You’ve successfully built and deployed a Quarkus-based IoT application. This example demonstrates the flexibility and efficiency that Quarkus brings to IoT development, making it an excellent choice for building modern, cloud-native applications. Feel free to extend this application with additional features, integrate external services, and explore.

