IOTA @ Tangle
3 min readAug 21, 2018


Real World Demo: Your Car data into IOTA Tangle…

This is all about an improved version of carIOTA which can be claimed as real world use-cases for IOTA and Tangle based new Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLT). As it is explained by the the first article, carIOTA is an application letting you connect to your car data and visualize it with IOTA/Tangle technology. Actually vehicle data is retrieved by OBD-II port based on CAN Bus protocol and encrypted data streams are sent and accessed by IOTA’s Masked Authenticated Messaging (MAM) which provides secure communication and trusted data access management in the world of Internet of Things(IoT).

As a difference from the first revision of carIOTA, this time there is no Arduino Yun and no MQTT as middleman systems for streaming data and attaching to Tangle. Raspberry Pi with integrated PiCAN GPS board is used as a hardware in the second revision of carIOTA. It allows CAN Bus capability with Microchip MCP2515 CAN controller and GPS functionality based on MTK3339 chipset module. As a demo version only few signals like Engine/Vehicle speeds and Air/Coolant temperatures are used for testing. Additionally real GPS data is available in this version which can bring numerous geo-location use-cases with Distributed Ledger Technologies.

Raspberry Pi with PiCAN GPS board

As a software interface, SocketCAN open source CAN driver and networking stack is partially used which is also contributed by Volkswagen Research to the Linux kernel. (

At the moment, we have been doing few road tests of carIOTA with AUDI A3 and OPEL Astra in a beautiful city of Graz in Austria.

carIOTA on the way
Fetching data via SensorHub

Generally carIOTA is just a small step into connected platforms, connected vehicle solutions. Soon we will be more frequently talking about x2x systems like machine to machine(M2M), peer to peer(P2P), car to car(C2C), vehicle to everything(V2X), business to business(B2B) or maybe even anything to Tangle(x2T)...

Now it is time to turn your standard car into a smart and connected car. Limited functionalities are available with today’s version of carIOTA but Following futures will be main topics for future improvements with Distrubuted Ledger Technology use-cases:

-Collect driver behavior data from different types of vehicles

-Monitor sensor streams, Connected car apps and services

-Integrate vehicle data into existing real-world applications

-M2M & Big Data Analysis (Business opportunities for ECU (Electronic Control Unit) developers as well as other automakers )

-Win-Win business models for drivers and companies

-Monitor engine diagnostic/service data

-Geo-location and traffic flow information data

Thanks to all IOTA community members who contributed..

Project page on IOTA Ecosystem webpage:


