IoTeX & Binance AMA Summary — June 2, 2020

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2 min readJun 4, 2020


Can you tell us a bit about yourself and why did you get into crypto?

Raullen: It is my honor to be here with you and share the vision and story of IoTeX. I came from a cryptography background — I got involved in Bitcoin when I was doing my PhD at University of Waterloo about 10 years back, shocked by the beautiful protocol design of bitcoin and the underlying blockchain technology.

After my PhD, I spent many years leading teams at Google and Uber, while driving various privacy and cryptography projects on the side. I have witnessed every tech/market cycle of Bitcoin and blockchain and realized the world-changing potential of this technology for the Internet of Things (IoT). In 2017, I founded the IoTeX Network together with two other Co-founders to create a dynamic, trusted, and privacy-respecting infrastructure to empower our vision for the Internet of Trusted Thing — a great trip down memory lane!

Larry: Hi everyone, my name is Larry Pang and I’m a Founding Member and Head of Business Development at IoTeX.

⚡ ATTENTION: we have moved from Medium to our own hosted blog at

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