Mint-Token: Create Your Own Fungible Tokens & NFTs

Published in
1 min readOct 16, 2020


This is Phase 4 of IoTeX’s #DeFIoT series to unlock the trillion-dollar IoT data market. To learn more, see our #DeFIoT manifesto.

The trusted exchange of value and information is a benchmark of why blockchain is so revolutionary. The introduction of cryptocurrencies in the form of both fungible and non-fungible tokens has sparked innovation in global finance via DeFi, as well as countless other industries. Now it is time to unleash the true power of tokens for the Internet of Things (IoT).

For IoTeX, the tokenization of IoT data and devices is a critical part of our #DeFIoT vision. We envision a world where everyday people and businesses can not only own their devices/data, but also monetize their digital assets as part of a decentralized, global marketplace. In September, we introduced ioTube, stablecoins, and mimo DEX to bring DeFIoT to life. Today, we are excited to expand our DeFIoT vision with Mint-Token!

⚡ ATTENTION: we have moved from Medium to our own hosted blog at

Read Full Post Here >>> IoTeX Token Minter: Create Your Own Fungible Tokens & NFTs

