iotexICU Roadmap for 2024

2 min readDec 28, 2023


iotexICU iotex university

Hello IoTeX Community,

As we stand on the cusp of a new year filled with promises of technological advancements, the iotexICU team is delighted to share our ambitious plans for 2024. In a landscape where artificial intelligence is set to play an increasingly pervasive role, we believe that empowering individuals to create and shape this future is of paramount importance.

AI Breakthroughs and Human Empowerment

The year 2024 is poised to witness the continued march of AI across diverse realms of human activity. While the influence of AI is set to grow, it’s essential to recognize that the builders of the future will continue to be humans. At iotexICU, we are committed to being your guides on this transformative journey.

Learning to Build the Future. Our Educational Initiative

One of our key initiatives for 2024 revolves around demystifying the process of creating robots and smart devices. The intricate world of robotics is no longer confined to the realm of experts; we believe that anyone with the passion and curiosity to learn should have the opportunity to do so.

Educational Content Preview

In 2023, our team dedicated countless hours to curate comprehensive educational content that walks you through the intricacies of building robots and smart devices. This content is rich with examples, practical insights, and hands-on training sessions that will empower you to bring your ideas to life.

What to Expect:

  1. Robust Curriculum: Dive deep into our meticulously crafted curriculum that covers the fundamentals of robotics, smart device implementations, and the fusion of AI with real-world applications.
  2. Interactive Workshops: Participate in live workshops where our experts will guide you through practical exercises, share industry best practices, and answer your burning questions.
  3. Innovative Projects: Get ready for exciting projects that challenge you to apply your newfound knowledge. From simple DIY robots to sophisticated smart devices, our projects will cater to all skill levels.

Stay Tuned for More!

As we embark on this educational endeavor, we invite you to stay tuned for announcements, webinars, and opportunities to engage with our community. The future is yours to shape, and together, we’ll pave the way for a generation of innovators.

Here’s to a year filled with learning, building, and unleashing the full potential of your creativity.

Best wishes,

The iotexICU Team

