Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much

IOwn Coaching
3 min readApr 11, 2019


United we stand, divided we fall is a very common phrase. This famous, age-old saying is true in all aspects of life, be it personal or social. Therefore, we can rightly consider unity to be strength and division weakness. A group of people with a unified belief can achieve more than a single person alone.

Man is a social being. It is the nature of humans to live in groups forming a society. From being a lone survivor during the prehistoric times, humans have evolved quite extraordinarily. We have come a long way of forming its own civilization in various parts of the world. From living in a rural society, humans together have developed their way of living through various means and building the modern day world for us. The state of modernization is not the result of the achievements of a single man. Several people have made their contributions towards the society in their respective fields from time to time which helped in to form this modern world.

India’s fight for independence against the foreign rule and gaining it was not a single day agenda. No single person is responsible for this noble achievement. It is with the contribution and sacrifices of several people working and fighting together for the love of their motherland that a country was able to achieve its independence.

Starting from your home to your workplace or at other works of life, instances of the importance of working together is clear and evident. Any work which is difficult to manage while you are living alone can be easily done when you have others at home to help you do it. Even in sports, like football or cricket where multiple players play together, the strength of working together as a team is very essential. It is a common phenomenon that when players are playing individually and not for the team, the endeavor more likely heads toward failure. That failure is the failure of a team and not of an individual. On the other hand, when the team plays united, there are more chances of success naturally. It is the duty of the coaches to encourage its players and build a strong bond of unity among them.

It is for a similar reason that corporate offices nowadays prefer to operate in a team rather than involving an individual for a particular job. This not only helps to complete the job in much lesser time but also to complete it with excellence. Multiple brains working together for a single cause can achieve success easily. The pressure is distributed and working becomes more effortless.

Although working in a team can sometimes be difficult with different persons having distinct opinions. To avoid such instances the office management offers the guidance of professionals. These mentors help to motivate the workers to work as a team. They are inspired to be a change maker and work comfortably for the team. This is necessary in order to achieve the goal and help in the growth of the company and personal accomplishments. We have realized that together we can accomplish our goals in a much easier way than doing it alone.



IOwn Coaching

Empowering changemakers to transform the world by leveraging the power of Coaching