Who does Jeff Bezos co-invent with?

2 min readDec 28, 2017


Not many companies include in their leadership principles a statement that refers to the importance of inventions. Amazon is different. Invent and simplify is one of its core principles. Amazon leaders thus expect and require innovations and inventions from their teams. The results are quite impressive. Looking at, e.g. patent publication stats for the time period 2005 to 2016, we see a dramatic increase in the number of published Amazon patents.

Amazon patent publication trend between 2005 and 2016.

As a tech recruiter, you probably cannot help but wonder; who are all these inventors at Amazon? In particular, who did Jeff Bezos co-invent with?

It turns out that Jeff Bezos is a team player. Majority of his patents in the last 10 years — 88% to be more precise - he co-invented with one or more co-inventors. Besides such statistical insights, the ipQuants innovation statistics platform also retrieves the actual individuals that Jeff collaborated with.

One of the lucky individuals is Allan Vermeulen. According to his LinkedIn profile, he is a “technical dude” (his words) at Amazon. As a technical recruiter, you probably would not have been triggered to check out Allan’s profile that easily. Especially, since LinkedIn does not provide any insights on his technical skills. While ipQuants does provide such insights, we leave those insights for a future post.

Other co-inventors of Jeff Bezos are Greg Hart, Douglas Gray and Ian Fred to mention a few of them. Understanding the network of co-inventors can, among others, be highly valuable for targeted recruitment assignments, especially when combined with insights regarding tech domain. In today’s race for talent and focus on talent sourcing, such insights might give you the edge you need.

By the way, would you be interested to learn what tech domains Jeff Bezos considered important enough to invent alone within?

Want us to review a specific company or technology field? Let us know and we will consider it for a future post. Don’t want to wait? Try it out yourself!

All data shown in above article was extracted via the ipQuants innovation statistics platform. A unique platform that enables anyone to extract actionable statistical insights for immediate use. Learn more via to www.ipQuants.com

