Predictions About iPhone 10 Years Ago

Ilya Pestov
2 min readJan 9, 2017


On January 9, 2007, Steve Jobs introduced the world to the iPhone. Many experts called this device a failure. iPhone has gone on sale on June 29, and before has been told about it much. Here are some of the most awesome flubs to be found in the futures that people have wished for Apple.

Apple iPhone debut to flop, product to crash in flames.

David S. Platt teaches programming .NET at Harvard University Extension School and at companies all over the world. He’s the author of 11 programming books.

Prediction №1: The iPhone will be a major disappointment.

Al Ries is chairman of Ries & Ries, an Atlanta-based marketing strategy firm he runs with his daughter and partner Laura. Also he said: “When Apple introduces its iPhone this month, will it pass the acid test? In my opinion, no.”

The Futurist: We Predict the iPhone Will Bomb.

Seth Porges writes at TechCrunch about future technology and its role in personal electronics for his column, The Futurist.

The iPhone isn’t the future. It isn’t a revolutionary mobile device ushering in a new era.

Brett Arends is writer at TheStreet. He takes a critical look inside mutual funds and the personal finance industry in a twice-weekly column that ranges from investment advice for the general reader to the industry’s latest scoop.

The iPhone is nothing more than a luxury bauble that will appeal to a few gadget freaks.

Matthew Lynn is a British thriller writer and a financial journalist., the writer was also a columnist for Bloomberg News. Also he said that “Apple will sell a few to its fans, but the iPhone won’t make a long-term mark on the industry.”

There’s no chance that the iPhone is going to get any significant market share.

Steve Ballmer, Microsoft CEO.

