Ann Wuyts
1 min readJan 28, 2016


Hear, hear! In the end, only too often, the focus in companies is on the product, rather than what people use it to achieve. It’s creating a beautiful, massive 10-ton automated hammer, but then forgetting it needs to serve only to drive in a 10mm nail, and will be wielded by a 50-year-old lady who does not care if you can program it yourself to also drive in screws. She’d rather just have one button reading ‘hit nail’. ;)

I am wondering though, would you do a follow up post about presenting the info regarding the ‘nails’ (rather than the hammer) to the company?



Ann Wuyts

@VintFalken — Major nomophobic. Geek to some degree. Surprisingly systematic. Future post-immersionist. Plenty of own opinions. —