Standardization of 6GHz

IPLOOK Networks
3 min readJan 5, 2024


The 6 GHz band is a crucial part of mid-band spectrum. Providing the advantages of low bands in coverage and high bands in capacity, it enables MNOs to provide ubiquitous 5G high-bandwidth services at a low per-bit cost, promoting continuous innovation of emerging 5G services and accelerating digital transformation in society. The RF specifications standardized for Upper 6 GHz will promote the industry chain to develop the mobile networks, devices, and ecosystem.

In 2020, 3GPP successfully completed the specification of the upper 6 GHz (U6G) licensed band for 5G. The frequency band range covers 6425–7125MHz and full frequency band 5925–7125 MHz. In the early days of the project, due to the lack of countries and regions with IMT technology applications, the project was suspended. Until December 2021, 3GPP received approval from RCC to carry out the 6425–7125 MHz frequency band. After receiving the liaison letter for the application of IMT technology, the 6425–7125 MHz licensed frequency band standardization work was officially launched. The standardization of the consistency of base station was completed in September 2022. From then on, 3GPP completed the standardization of the 6425–7125 MHz licensed frequency band.

At the concluded WRC-23, International Telecommunication Union (ITU) reached global agreement on 6 GHz band. It is announced that the U6G radio spectrum band (6425 to 7125 MHz) can be used for mobile (5G and 6G), with majority of the member countries of the ITU agreeing to a global accord in this regard.

According to the GSMA report, in order to ensure the sustainable development requirements of IMT-2020 5G, mid-frequency spectrum with a bandwidth of 2 GHz needs to be provided from 2025 to 2030. To cooperate with the WRC-23 and promote more countries and regions to identify the 6 GHz frequency band as an IMT application, GSMA established a 6 GHz reflector under the original spectrum subgroup SSMG in March 2022. The region supports 6425–7125 MHz IMT.

Global View on 6 GHz
6 GHz has 1.2 GHz continuous large-bandwidth mid-band spectrum, which can take into account coverage, mobility, bandwidth, delay and other requirements. It is the focus of competition in the international WiFi industry and IMT industry.

There is varied support for the IMT identification of the upper 700 MHz spectrum (6425–7125 MHz) across different ITU regions. In ITU Region 1, many countries, including Russia, France, and Italy, are in favor of the identification, while Brazil and Mexico oppose it. In ITU Region 2, the United States and other countries are against the identification, preferring to use the band for WiFi or satellite applications. In ITU Region 3, opinions are mixed, with countries like China and Cambodia supporting IMT identification, while Australia and India are against it.

· Region 1 comprises Europe, Africa, the Commonwealth of Independent States, Mongolia, and the Middle East west of the Persian Gulf, including Iraq. The western boundary is defined by Line B.
· Region 2 covers the Americas including Greenland, and some of the eastern Pacific Islands. The eastern boundary is defined by Line B.
· Region 3 contains most of non-FSU Asia east of and including Iran, and most of Oceania.

Compared with the upper 700 MHz, the existing services of the upper 500 MHz are more complex, and there are more uplink satellites in use. Currently, there are fewer countries and regions that support the use of lower 500 MHz (5925–6425 MHz) for IMT. The lower 500 MHz spectrum has received little attention.

Judging from global 5G development experience, mid-band spectrum is crucial to the development of the mobile industry. 6 GHz has a continuous large bandwidth of 1.2 GHz and has the advantages of broadband, coverage and capacity, and can be used to provide the mid-frequency spectrum required for future network development. At present, 6 GHz IMT international standardization has achieved milestone progress. 3GPP has completed the standardization of the 6425–7125 MHz authorized frequency band. The WRC-23 conference has allocated some or all of the 6425–7125 MHz frequency band for IMT applications, covering 60% of the world’s population.




IPLOOK Networks

IPLOOK Networks is an industry-leading 3G/4G/5G mobile core network solution provider, deployed in over 50 countries, connecting over 50M subscribers.