5 min readJan 23, 2023

English study plan — 20-minute daily English learning routine(chapter#1)


I,M KINZA IQBAL whenever people ask me kinza what is the best way to learn English I tell them practice every day and by practicing for only 20 minutes you can reach her goals in English pretty fast so in this video I’m gonna present you my 20-minute daily learning routine that you can use for learning English I’ Gonna Give You resources where you can go and practice they’re completely free we’re going to talk about different things that you can do during the day to improve your language before we start I wanted to tell you about something that inspired me to create this daily routine daily practice my younger daughter Emily she’s three years old she just started like a mini school for kids where they practice every day for just 10 minutes they’re doing basic stuff connecting dots learning words but the key thing there and it’s called Kumon Japanese system the key thing there is daily repetition just for 10 minutes and 10 minutes for your brain it’s like no thing you’re like I’m gonna sit down for just 10 minutes I’m fine and I always give her a candy after she practices because she sometimes needs this extra motivation to continue so I want you to get inspired by a three-year-old and buy this amazing system that they’ve created in Kumon where you practice daily but for a very short period of time because sometimes if it’s a two-hour class we’re like ah maybe I should do tomorrow maybe I should do it next week but when it’s a minute daily routine if you tell me KINZA IQBAL I don’t have 20 minutes I tell you you’re not interested in learning a language when you’re super passionate about something when you understand that you really need it you’re gonna find those 20 minutes now let’s talk about the daily routine the first thing that we’re going to talk about is listening listening is very important in English just because of all the accents I’ve been learning English for almost 10 years when I first came to the UK and I realized like it was useless because I didn’t understand where people were saying and it took me some time to actually get used to their accent the problem with today’s world is that there are so many accents there is Indian accent which is super popular around the world there is Chinese accent Russian accent American British Scottish Australian New Zealand like there are so many people who speak English and your task is to make sure you understand all them because who knows who’s going to be in your group when you go to a university or if you’re taking an online course you’re going to be matched with to practice your English so start your 20-minute practice with a five minute listening task that could be anything YouTube audiobook whatever one of the websites that I wanted to recommend is called they have a lot of lessons including audio and video lessons on different topics and those conversations are actually divided into level because I know how complicated it is when you go to YouTube or you start watching a TV show on Netflix and then you realize it’s just not your level it’s too complicated well if you are a beginner or intermediate I would highly recommend that website because everything is based on the level of English that you have what I also like about them is that they actually have a script of every single conversation which I do not recommend you to read right away but if you listen to a conversation and you’re like I still don’t get what’s going on here then you read a script and another thing that they’ve done for you they’ve actually created a vocabulary so you can learn all the words that you’ve encountered during your listening practice I also like that their conversations are not superficial because sometimes listening tasks sound like this and no one really talks like this in real life people have accents people speak fast so on that website you will get exposed to many different accents and you will get exposed to real English language speech the next five minutes of your 20 minute practice will be speaking speaking is incredibly incredibly important problem is you might be able to listen to a lot of things but when it comes to seeing them words are not in your active vocabulary they’re in your passive vocabulary which means you understand them but when you need to actually say them they flip from your mind you’re like oh where did this work how do I actually pronounce it the thing is even reading out loud can be considered speaking practice because when you read out loud you’re like oh how do I actually read this word because when you’re reading a book you don’t really think about pronouncing something but when you start reading out loud you’re asking yourself questions oh my God how to pronounce this word I’ve never said it in my whole life and by saying it for the first time you actually start practicing it so first of all reading out loud second website that I wanted to recommend is actually called speak and it is a research project by University of Cambridge it’s basically a robot let me let me show you something so they they will start asking you questions and you will answer them what’s your name my name is KINZA IQBAL you’re going to listen to your answer how do you spell your family name how do you spell your family name okay m-o-g-i-l-k-o where are you from so this cute little robot is going to ask you question about you and then it’s gonna dig into different topics I think this is very useful for people who just don’t want to talk to themselves because it is so weird sometimes when KINZA IQBAL tells you on YouTube that you have to talk to yourself and I honestly I love talking to myself out loud but not everybody likes it so the robot is a great way to practice your spoken English again the website is called speak and another way to practice is to actually use another website that I mentioned today at what they have there is they have videos of people answering questions so for example the question would be do you like taking selfies so your task is to pause right there answer but don’t say yes or no elaborate yes I love taking selfies because I can create the best lighting for myself because I know the best angles and I just love documenting my face every day whatever try to elaborate then you press the play button and you start listening to other people answering the question I think