Top Database Technologies for PHP Project Developers

3 min readJun 15, 2019

Without a doubt, PHP is the most conspicuous stage for web advancement right now. Aside from sites, business applications, for example, ERP, open-source online CRM for SMEs and online retailer solutions are enormously conspicuous right now.

There are many individuals who trust MySQL as the main database interface with PHP, while others are unknown of the fact that PHP is supporting different databases as well. That’s why most of them go with the platforms that have the best database management services.

So here is the list of top-rated and the most recommended database technologies that can help PHP developers to execute their projects:

Unquestionably the most prevalent database out there for PHP applications is MySQL. It’s a conspicuous open-source database all around the globe other than there is the venture rendition of the database additionally accessible and it’s the paid one.

Plenty of mainstream applications, for example, Magento, Drupal, and WordPress are utilizing mySQL while it has its clients in Google, Wikipedia, and Facebook. With MySQL platform, you get an online UI that can help users deal with the database.

PostGreSQL stresses on consistency and benchmarks. Nearly to MySQL, PostGreSQL is bundled with several features while the database at present is under its discharge 9.3 contrasted with discharge 5.6 of MySQL. With cutting edge improvement and pressure property, PostGrey is in the alliance of Oracle.

For Windows OS users, it would be better to utilize MS-SQL database management services. On the other hand, web developers, which are utilizing .NET and ASP innovation will need to spend more money. This is the reason a few clients use PHP getting it associated with MS-SQL. In the meantime likewise, remember that it works only for 5+ version of PHP as it were.

SYBASE was established in Berkley in 1984 and it’s presently in the group of SAP AG. According to the DBAs of several database management organizations, this arrangement has demonstrated to be valuable in performing under extraordinary burden and suits best when an association requires a major database. It interfaces with PHP utilizing sasql_connect () order like MySQL.

Oracle Database
Oracle technologies have been the most reliable and trustworthy choice for companies. With the flexibility of accessing and managing huge datasets, Oracle database systems can really help DBAs to utilize the tools and keep the management of data productive.

MNCs and other enterprises have been utilizing these database management solutions for many years. As they are flexible to use and maintain, admins and other users can easily operate their files and other assets securely.

Database management service provider in India

Other supported databases
Apart from these large database management systems. There are other relevant solutions that can help you to manage a huge set of information. Here is the list of these systems:

· FireBird/InterBase
· Ovrimos SQL
· Informix
· Cubrid
· Ingres
· DB++
· MaxDB
· Paradox
· SQLite3
· dBase
· filePro
· mSQL
· FrontBase
· Mongo
· SQLite

Whether you are collaborating with a reliable database management company in India or implementing your ideologies to construct a DBMS, these options will definitely help you to build a reliable platform. With the help of latest tools and technologies, you can bring huge benefits to your organization.




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