Random Acts of Kindness

Iqra Liaqat
5 min readJul 18, 2019



Kindness is:

“Helpfulness towards someone in need, not in return for anything, nor for the advantage of the helper himself, but for that of the person helped.”

Kindness is to spread happiness on someone’s face

Kindness makes increases happiness and makes the heart-healthy. It improves relationships and connections and uplifts your heart. It makes someone feel good. According to my perspective, Kindness is about taking care of others, support others, help others and pay gratitude. Kindness is to live a life for humanity. Kindness sparkles the work with the wave of happiness.

Random Act of Kindness

From my busy routine, I took some of my time to perform some act of kindness and tried to put a smile on my beloved ones.

A cup of Tea with Abu Jaan

My love, happiness, the reason to smile, lovely Abu Jaan (Nana Abu). He loved to take a cup of tea from my hand. But due to busy routine, it’s not possible. He never said, Iqra a cup of tea from your hand, but I realized he missed a lot. So, I decided to make tea daily for a lovely person. So when he came home, I went to the kitchen and make a tea for him and said “Abu g! Let’s enjoy a cup of tea”. And he was surprised and asked about my time. That time, I realized he missed my tea and even after a cup of tea he was worried about me. So, that time I capture his beautiful smile. After tea he said to me, I am very happy that you made tea for me after a long and request me to do this daily. That time I was a little emotional because he loved me a lot.

“Because of your smile, you make life more beautiful.” ~Thich Nhat Hanh

Cook Food for your family

I never cook food at home. One day, Abu said to me; “Iqra can you cook something, I want from your hand”. I never refused to Abu. I just go to the kitchen and told mama just guide me i will cook pulao. My mother guided me and finally I successfully cooked delicious pulao. After eating pulao, Abu said; “Iqra! Kamal kr dia aj”. After this, I just saw everyone smile and enjoyed the food. This gives me a wave of happiness.

Help your Mother in Home

I rarely help my mother at home. When I came home, she served good food and a cup of tea. One day I realized, she did a lot of effort day and night just for me so I have to help her at home. So, after coming home, I said to my mother; just go to the room and take a rest, I will do everything. She was shocked, but on the other hand, she is happy to see this. The smile on her face, spread inner peace in my heart.

Helping Needy people

I love to help others, especially needy people. One day, I was on my way home on Uber, on the signal a girl came to me and asked for water, I could see how thirsty he was at that time. I just gave her my water bottle and she was so happy and said thank you, The smile on his face made me happy.

Kindness is not an act. It’s a lifestyle.”

Giving food to Hungry

One day, a poor lady was sitting outside my home and knock on the door and asked for help. My mother gave her some money, but I realized she was hungry and also collecting some food for her kids. I gave her food and her eyes were full of tears and she was continuously taking me that her child sleeps by eating food. The smile on her face was amazing.


1- Spent time with your family and do something special for them.

2- Help the needy people and kids.

3- Buy a coffee for your friend at university.

4- Take care of birds

5- Practice gratitude for all you thankful for every single day.

6- Show your love for your parents.

7- Listen to the person in front of you.

8- Take food for your guard.

9- Share your food.

10- Write a letter to your beloved one.

11- Make a cup of tea for someone special.

12- Spend time with your friends.

I want to say;

“A simple act of kindness

can stop a million tears.

A little hug

can give so much joy.

A letter now and then to someone

and save so many wasted years.

We should hold every moment precious

and help as many as we can

With a simple act of kindness

every now and then.

The world would be a better place

if we all cared a little more.

Imagine how many smiling faces

Would greet us at the door

If we extended that helping hand

with a simple act of kindness

That could spread across many lands.”



Iqra Liaqat

Life-Long Learner | Nature Lover | Enthusiastic | Amal Fellow | Computer Engineer