Writers, say goodbye to ChatGPT.

Lareb Ali
2 min readJun 18, 2023


Photo by Mojahid Mottakin on Unsplash

As we all know there’s a huge amount of hype around chatGPT. Especially for writers, it plays an important role in generating new content. It’s helpful right,

So, what are the reasons you should not not use it?

Well, the main purpose of writing is to share your own life experiences and knowledge with your readers! Al is designed in such a way that it cannot show empathy or emotions to its users. chatGPT is dumber than you think. So, as you make an article with the help of chatGPT it’s less effective and kills the natural human tone in your story. It kills your creativity and passion as you are more dependent on it. You end up being lazy and less creative. You might feel it’s a great way to produce new content every day and find it a game changer, but nowadays you can use tools like GPT-2 Output Detector to scan the text. This tool can pick out text written by ChatGPT, GPT-3 and GPT-2.

Google scans your written topic with these detecting tools, the more your content is fake the fewer chances you get to reach a trending list! SEO doesn’t support artificial content so it’s not worth it.

Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

Try to provide your readers with genuine articles written from your heart. It doesn’t matter if they’re not as good as AI generates, but at least your articles will manifest your personalities. It’ll build a strong connection with you and your readers.


I’m not against Artificial intelligence or chatGPT it’s helpful but don’t overpower it. I just want to say that we write to communicate and build relationships with our readers. We write because we love writing, it’ll help you to reflect on your experiences and you’ll learn a lot from it.

