How to Make Doberman Ears Stand Up Without Cropping


Doberman Dog has uniqueness in terms of their courage, protection, and strong intelligence qualities. This dog is highly affectionate and maintains their bond only with one person. This breed is from Germany in the mid of 1800s and has earned a reputation as people-oriented dogs. Doberman is a symbol of fearlessness and alertness, so many pet owners crop their ears to make them erect with the medical procedure as far as by using some natural ways too. These techniques are used to make their ears stand up and erect for their intimidating looks. These dogs possess a royal and guardian attitude that’s why people are taking their services in police or military departments.

Doberman Dogs

Ways to make Doberman ears stand up naturally:

1: Weight-pulling practices

You can make your beloved Doberman’s ears stand up without any cropping method by using weight-pulling harness steps. This kind of work can be done with the help of exercise or playtime with your dog.

Important to know: To stand up the ears without cropping you can also use the collar to make your Doberman’s ears straight.

2: Use of straps

Usage of straps around your dog’s head by covering their ears properly would be a beneficial idea to make their ears stand up without any medical treatment of cropping.

A piece of advice: By using the straps is a procedure of weight-pulling process and it would take constant practice if you want to make your Doberman’s ears look straight. Eventually, patience is the key to every process and you must have this quality if you are going to do it with any cropping ear surgery.

3: Buy ear stands

If you do not want to crop the ears of your dog then buy an ear stand to make Doberman’s ear straight. These ear stands are available in the pet store in plastic or steel material. Try to use plastic ear stands to avoid any skin irritation or skin-damaging issues.

4: Train your dog

Doberman pinscher dogs are highly intelligent and sensitive so, you can teach your dog to make pull their ears straight while taking photos or playing games. These types of practices will not result in days it might take months to teach your favorite dog Doberman to have straight standing ears.

5: Ear-tapping process

You do not need to go for medical surgery if you want to stand up your dog’s ears but you can use medically recommended taps to make their ears straight. You can change the tap after every week and this straightening ear process will take months to have a stand-up look of ears.

Important note: Ear tapping process is safe and sound for your Doberman dogs while making their ear straight but you have to avoid the interaction of your lovely pup with the water. Moreover, it can cause humidity around the ears and results in irritation, swelling, or sometimes a wound.

Arguments in favor of cropped Doberman ears:

1: Shows alertness

These fearless, loyal, and playful dogs possess a great trait of courage to face danger; as a result, many dog owners have this kind of perception about Doberman cropped ears that it represents their alertness and consciousness in the home, or from the house.

2: Fewer ear infections

These guard dogs have minimum ear infections or diseases if they have cropped ears. The main reason behind this is their dog owners wash, and clean their ears regularly.

3: Easy for recognition

Cropped ears in the Doberman are mainly considered as the symbol of identification of their breed. That’s why many Doberman lovers in the UK and USA cropped their ears to make them quickly recognizable.

Tip from a veterinarian: In the USA, cropping of Doberman ears is very common, and if you are going to have a Doberman in your home then ask the dog owner before because mostly in the USA, dog owners cropped the Doberman ears within 5–8 weeks of their birth. Hence, if you want a Doberman without cropped ears then make an early discussion with them to get that breed of dog with natural ears.

Arguments against the cropped Doberman ears:

1: Cause pain to dogs

As pets are our beloved living animals and any kind of cosmetic changes in their face, ears, or any kind of facial features cause pain to them. So cropping in dogs can be a painful process in many cases.

Important to know: every dog has different kinds of reactions when it comes to cropping their ears. Moreover, pain, and irritation after cropping ears in Doberman can vary from dog to dog.

2: Risk in Surgeries

As you know, cropped ears in Doberman are not natural and they are done with the help of surgeries. In addition, there is a time duration of at least 4 to 7 months of plaster to cover the ears of these dogs after the surgical treatment in which their ears manage to stand up without any support. Moreover, this medical treatment of ear cropping is associated with a risk of unsuccessful surgeries.

Useful information: In many cases, after the ears cropping surgeries of these dogs, one ear remains straight in an upward direction and the other ear remains in a downward direction. Ultimately, the soft look of a Doberman dog is disturbing in this way.

3: Controlled dog’s impression

The Doberman dog breed has a soft and friendly look when it comes to their facial features but with the straight and cropped ears, these dogs look like hunting or sharp dogs. As a result, these dogs are not liked publically and people get offended sometimes.

why ear cropping is necessary for Dobermans?

Dobermans seem like another breed “German Shepherd” so people considered it as a crucial part in the identification and differentiation of their dog breed. Another reason for ear cropping in Dobermans is that, their owner wants to represent them as tougher and more dangerous dogs.

The wrap:

In conclusion, your Doberman may have natural stand-up ears but if he has not then not take it too seriously because you can make their ears straight by following the above-mentioned ways by keeping in mind the pros and cons of the cropping ears of Doberman too. In many countries, ear and tail cropping is banned because it’s a painful process for dogs.

