From Apple to Apples: Applying Steve Jobs’ Design Principles to a Plant-Based Lifestyle

Quintel Harcum
3 min readApr 21, 2023


Photo of Steve Jobs with a thought bubble. Inside the bubble is theApple brand logo and and picture of a real apple

Steve Jobs revolutionized the tech industry with his thoughts and theories on design. I remember loving Macintosh/Apple ads in the late 90’s and admiring the kids who had the colorful iMacs in college. I copped my first iMac in 2010. In 2011 I went plant-based. 12 years later I’m able to maintain and thrive with a plant-based lifestyle because I applied Jobs’ design principles that I admired so much. I realized that going plant-based, or just getting healthier in general, isn’t just about product a or practice. It’s a design thing. Lifestyle design. By adopting a well-designed plant-based approach, we can enjoy a healthier, more sustainable, and fulfilling way of living. Here’s how to apply Steve Jobs’ design principles to create a thriving plant-based lifestyle:

1. Simplicity

One of the most important aspects of design, according to Jobs, is simplicity. When embracing a plant-based lifestyle, start by simplifying your approach. Focus on including whole, plant-based foods in your diet, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds. By keeping things simple, you’ll find it easier to stick to your new lifestyle. Think about it, fruit doesn’t doesn’t need instructions. Pick it, wash it, eat it. Simple.

2. Focus

Just as Jobs emphasized the importance of focus in design, staying focused on your goals is essential when adopting a plant-based lifestyle. Be clear about why you’re making this change, whether it’s for health reasons, environmental concerns, or animal welfare. By keeping your focus on what truly matters, you’ll be more likely to stay committed to your plant-based journey.

3. Integration of form and function

In the same way that Jobs believed design should be both visually appealing and functional, your plant-based lifestyle should be enjoyable and practical. Find recipes that are not only nutritious but also delicious and visually appealing. Make meal planning and preparation a part of your daily routine, so you’re always ready to enjoy a satisfying, plant-based meal. When all else fails, eat the rainbow. It’s appealing and the variety of color lets you know you’re consuming a variety of nutrients.

4. Attention to detail

Steve Jobs was known for his meticulous attention to detail. Apply this same principle to your plant-based lifestyle by paying attention to your nutrient intake, ensuring you’re getting all the essential vitamins, minerals, and macronutrients needed for optimal health. Consult with a nutritionist or use a meal tracking app to monitor your nutrient intake and make adjustments as needed. (Full disclosure: I consulted AFPA, American Fitness Professionals Associations, to the point of certification in holistic nutrition in 2018. So much for my college degree)

5. Emotional connection

Just as Jobs believed that design could evoke emotions and create a bond between the user and the product, your plant-based lifestyle should inspire a strong emotional connection. Share your journey with friends and family, join plant-based communities, and celebrate your successes. By fostering this emotional connection, you’ll be more likely to stay committed to your plant-based lifestyle.

I definitely had a partner-in-crime when I transitioned. Accountability is real. Plus eating is can be a fun social activity and you need people to fellowship with.

6. Innovation

Finally, embrace innovation in your plant-based journey, just as Jobs did in the tech industry. Be open to trying new plant-based products, experimenting with unique recipes, and discovering innovative ways to make your lifestyle more enjoyable and sustainable. Try new restaurants. Gamify your meal plans. Get creative. Most important, do what works for you to sustain your new, healthier lifestyle.

To wrap it up, applying Steve Jobs’ design principles to your plant-based lifestyle will make it much easier for you to succeed in this new, healthier way of life. Embrace simplicity, focus, form and function, attention to detail, emotional connection, and innovation to make your plant-based journey a success. These 6 easy principles will lead to a successful, well-designed plant-based lifestyle.

I wonder if this is what Apple had in mind when they told us to “Think different.”



Quintel Harcum

Ghostwriter| 4 year juice bar/cafe owner| Language is the most important technology humans have ever made.