Big Data application development life cycle

Irina Radchenko
1 min readMay 13, 2018



Also I could recommend you a book “Ultimate Big Data Application Development” by Frank Kane:


Announcement from Amazon:

What you will learn

- Design distributed systems that manage “big data” using Hadoop and related technologies.

- Use HDFS and MapReduce for storing and analyzing data at scale.

- Use Pig and Spark to create scripts to process data on a Hadoop cluster in more complex ways.

- Analyze relational data using Hive and MySQL

- Analyze non-relational data using HBase, Cassandra, and MongoDB

- Query data interactively with Drill, Phoenix, and Presto

- Understand how Hadoop clusters are managed by YARN, Tez, Mesos, Zookeeper, Zeppelin, Hue, and Oozie.

- Publish data to your Hadoop cluster using Kafka, Sqoop, and Flume

- Consume streaming data using Spark Streaming, Flink, and Storm

It’s not finished, and I hope I will add more information about Big Data application.
I’ll be glad to receive any comments.



Irina Radchenko

Associate Professor @ ITMO University and Higher School of Economics, Data Scientist