
Irena Arting Ellis
2 min readApr 17, 2017


Butterflies among Walls, engaged exhibition for AI CZ, 2014

…is what I call the process that has helped me over the years get unstuck and into art/ing.

Become the artist you are…may sound a bit contradictory…however if you have ever felt a creative arting urge, you know that being an artist is all about becoming yourself. More of a whole self.

Overcoming inner obstacles, fears, gremlins, saboteurs…call it whatever they may be. The creative arting process will inevitably bring them out. For you to deal with and #becometheartistyouare.

#Becometheartistyouare challenge works on a simple basis: you turn up daily and make your art.

I provide you with hints and prompts to find/recover inspiration from within yourself and the outside. To learn from your favourite works in authentic ways. To brush up the elements and principles of visual language and its meanings to help you on your arting way.

However — you do the work. For twenty minutes a day minimum. That is your vow. Your commitment to yourself and your arting. You turn up, read the daily arting prompt and either follow it and/or do your work.

You can share your discoveries, joys and aha’s with a group of arting women doing the same, in a safe environment of a secret FB group.

At the end of the challenge, you share the results, or some of them, you share your process and outcomes. You learn to share. Your art. Yourself.

Are you up for it? I help women with art/ing calling to become more creative, confident and self-aware through this process.

Ready to #becometheartistyouare? Check it out now.

