Ecommerce Ios & Android React Native Seller App Project With Full Source Code

Irene mmassy
3 min readMar 13, 2023


eCommerce has developed into a crucial component of any business in the quick-paced world of today. It is now more of a requirement than a luxury for organizations to operate and thrive in the marketplace. Mobile apps have become a popular option for eCommerce systems in order to meet this growing demand.

An outstanding illustration of an eCommerce mobile app that provides sellers with a variety of capabilities is the eCommerce iOS and Android React Native Seller App.

Source Code and Tutorial Availability

The source code for the eCommerce iOS and Android React Native Seller App is available here. The tutorial offers step-by-step instructions on how to set up the app and use its features. The source code is open-source and can be customized to meet the specific needs of sellers.

Main Features of eCommerce iOS & Android React Native Seller App

  • User-friendly interface: The eCommerce iOS & Android React Native Seller App offers a user-friendly interface that makes it easy for sellers to manage their eCommerce stores. The app has a simple and intuitive design, which makes it easy for sellers to navigate and use.
  • Real-time notifications: The app provides real-time notifications to sellers regarding new orders, payments, and customer inquiries. This feature enables sellers to stay on top of their orders and provide prompt customer service.
  • Product management: The app allows sellers to manage their products easily. They can add, edit, or delete products from their store using the app. This feature makes it easy for sellers to keep their store updated with the latest products.
  • Order management: The app offers a comprehensive order management system that allows sellers to manage their orders efficiently. They can view and manage orders, update order status, and process refunds, all from the app.
  • Payment integration: The app integrates with popular payment gateways, making it easy for sellers to accept payments from customers. This feature makes the payment process seamless and convenient for both sellers and customers.
  • Analytics and reporting: The app provides sellers with detailed analytics and reports on their store’s performance. They can track their sales, revenue, and customer behavior to make informed decisions about their business.
  • Multi-language support: The app supports multiple languages, making it accessible to sellers worldwide. This feature enables sellers to cater to customers from different regions and countries.

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