How can I become a software engineer?

Irene mmassy
4 min readAug 1, 2022


The process of evaluating user needs and then designing, developing, and testing software applications that will meet those requirements is known as software engineering.

The field of software engineering is constantly evolving. As new technologies are developed, one should adapt. There are numerous entry points into the IT industry due to its fluid nature.

With little to no prior industry experience, it is now simpler than ever to enter the area of software engineering thanks to the proliferation of computer science education and training choices. The only requirements are a good dose of ambition, diligence, insight, and adaptability.

There is no one way to accomplish this, though; you can either receive

  • College Education
  • Self-directed learning

1. Take a Computer Science degree from a university

Numerous colleges offer computer science undergraduate or integrated master's degrees (MSci) that are four years long.

These programs investigate complex subjects, including engineering, intricate mathematics, and specialized areas of computer technology.

Many also provide the option to study abroad or work in the industry for a year as part of the degree.

For many students, computer science is worthwhile. In contrast to the average for all occupations, the Bureau of Labor Statistics forecasts an 11 percent increase in job growth for computer and information technology occupations over the next ten years.

2. Teach yourself how to code

More and more people want to become software engineers, but a college degree is expensive.

So, how can you learn how to program without a college degree? Luckily, there are many ways you can teach yourself how to code through self-learning.

If you want to become a software engineer, these tips will help you teach yourself how to code.

  • Decide why you want to learn how to code.
  • Learn about computer organization basics. so that you get the basics of CS and programming.
  • Select the programming language you want to master first.

Stay focused, whether it’s web development, software development, or mobile development. Your time must be used wisely because you are self-taught. I learned in my first two years of studying web development that you can’t become proficient in many topics at once; instead, you should focus on becoming proficient in one area while treating the others as hobbies.

If you are pasting and copying codes, something is redundant and has to be refactored. Comment, review, be retrospective, refactor, and delete redundancies from your code. You don’t only take the classes to ensure that your code runs smoothly. You also learn about programming conventions and guidelines for good code. Spend time examining your code and establishing a standard for code quality if you want to progress quickly.

Want to increase the likelihood that employers will choose you? You might want to think about getting certified. In the competitive professional environment of today, certificates are important since they enable top-tier employers to easily verify your experience. When potential employers pore through applications, having a certification could give you an advantage over other applicants.

A few certifications that can be useful to a beginning software engineer are given below.

AWS Certified Developer (Associate) — Amazon Web Services

Java Certification — Oracle University

Professional Scrum Developer — Scrum

A code portfolio is an essential asset for any prospective software developer looking for work. The initial impression job recruiters have of you is frequently based on this extensive corpus of work. Additionally, it’s a wonderful way to highlight your prior work, which can demonstrate your adaptability and all-around expertise as a work-ready software engineer.

It is your responsibility as a prospective employee to offer as much proof of your qualifications as you can, so take the time to develop your portfolio appropriately. Include thorough descriptions of all technologies used, the roles you played, and any other pertinent details about your approach and philosophy when describing projects.

  • Keep Learning. It may take years for you to learn anything, but you might learn it quite quickly. I had to learn everything from scratch, get an entry-level job, and then start working professionally. After all, some people attend college for three to four years, so two years might be deemed effective.

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Irene mmassy

Front End Software Engineer | Get in touch: Available for Freelance Writing ✍