This Is Who I Am

3 min readOct 11, 2022
Photo by the author, Ginga.

As a new member of Medium, sometimes I feel like an intruder here. I am still trying to understand what the written and unwritten rules are, I’m trying to fit in and I feel like I have to introduce myself, especially because I made some new friends here.

Who am I formally

I am a young woman, a mother of a one-year-old boy, a wife, and an economist.

I am currently living in Romania but I’m actually from Republic of Moldova. I studied economics here, in Romania, I liked it here and I settled down.

I loved English in school and I was good at it. I was also good at writing, and reading was my favorite activity.

Why did I study economics then? Sometimes even I don’t understand. I regret nothing though.

Who I really am?

The truth is that I don’t know. I would like to introduce myself but I don’t know who I am because I didn’t find out yet. I’m taking baby steps, day by day, toward my disclosure.

The thing is I am a very irresolute person. I am always between two opposite things and I go from one extreme to another.

I am a believer but also a skeptic.

I am faithful but also faithless.

