I Was Blindfolded and Stupid, But Maybe You Are Too


My face when I got what went wrong

Have you ever stuck in a bad life situation when everything looks so complicated that you have no clue what to do? I’m not speaking about choosing a dress for a cocktail party or contemplating on variety of yogurt brands in the supermarket. That’s a joke, not a problem.

I mean really difficult stuff like constant lack of money, a boring job with no prospects and no fun, being single for too long or falling for total jerks.

I spotted the same gigantic rock on my way I couldn’t move away. The business I co-own was doing ok, but I felt I could do more than that. I could bring more value to clients I work with, I could use my brainpower to greater extents, I could earn more after all to build a bigger entity than what I had at the moment.

External forces were too superior for my abilities. There was no easy start with such competition, investment obligations, skill set, credentials and understanding you acquire after researching any industry on a deeper level.

I was entirely swamped. I had no plan that would not make me a looser in the end. I lost motivation for experiments. Why try if I end up with even greater responsibilities, loads of risks and no reward?

Finally, I found out what was wrong.

Surprisingly, it was the way I lived and didn’t care much about. I woke up 7.30 am each day, ate scrambled eggs with a tee and cookies, went to work the shortest path I discovered a year ago, worked for 8 hours sitting in the same room on the same chair, came back home the same route and for my leisure activities chose between reading and watching something non-demanding.

My life was more exciting than that, of course, but the main point was that I performed all activities the best way I configured once and didn’t change much ever since.

It seemed that my brain set up a cozy manner of doing all routine work and turned off because no out-of-the-box solutions were required from it. Ironically, I was brilliant at automation, but it disabled my non-standard thinking. I was unable to adjust to new situations.

The same day I realized that my regular mode of doing things was damaging, I confronted it. I deliberately chose another way to work, I picked up a different place to spend my lunchtime, I even committed to Aikido training 3 times a week since I always wanted to learn martial arts (I’m a dancer person).

My perception of reality and working environment subsequently transformed. The hardships didn’t vanish. The only crucial difference was that I saw them bearable.

Now I ask myself — how could I miss this brain trick? It was so impactful. Was I blind?

But don’t feel sorry for me. High chances are that you are unaware of having the same brain automation disease. Walk mentally through the last 7 days of your life. What sits did you take in the office cafeteria? What people did you chat with? What websites have you browsed? What was in your shopping list?

Do you see the pattern now?

Take it easy because everything’s ok. People are constructed that way to deal with excessive information around them.

Just form a new habit to slow down and make sure your brain automation doesn’t take too much control over you.


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My team and I deal with marketing every single day. We’ve discovered a number of secrets and little-known facts and we can’t help sharing them. Visit Kraftblick blog and say ‘hi’ to us. See you there!

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Irina Tsumareva — Digital Consulting

Co-founder @ Kraftblick | Marketing Strategy & Implementation for Midsize and Enterprise Software https://kraftblick.com/