How to make habits stick for good

Iris Barzen
The Psychologist


Wonder Is Near from the At Wild Woman series by Amanda Sandlin
Wonder Is Near from the At Wild Woman series by Amanda Sandlin

Habits are the key to automating your goals. When I set goals with coaching clients, we turn each of them into 1–3 tiny habits. Habits are the HOW that will get us to the end result the client wants.

The beauty of habits is that once they’re established, they require little effort and willpower on our part. That’s why they are such effective tools when we’re working towards a goal.

Now we’ve all had plenty of failed attempts in building habits. How do you make a habit stick for good?

There are three important steps.

#1 Find a habit that you trust will get you results.

If a client wants to work on her illustration projects more regularly, we need to choose a habit that she believes will help her do that.

Maybe there’s a course that she feels she should be taking. In reality, she’s not that into it though — focusing on getting daily drawing practice time in might feel much more straight forward and simple. Learning is fun and helpful, but what will really make you a great illustrator is the hours you spend, well, illustrating.

If you don’t trust your habit, you won’t stick with it. So choose one that you’re excited about. A habit you wish you had started a year ago because it could have changed…



Iris Barzen
The Psychologist

Productivity coach & psychologist. I help entrepreneurs + professionals procrastinate less + develop bespoke productivity habits.