Invision Studio

First impressions

Stewart Curry
3 min readOct 18, 2017

Invision have announced a pretty impressive looking design tool set to compete with Sketch and Framer. I thought I’d take a quick look at the video to see how it relates to Sketch and Craft, and what looks new.

What looks familiar, and what looks new…

Here we see a lot of things recognisable from Sketch — pages and artboards on the left, tools across the top, and the inspector on the side.

Across the top we have what looks like:

  1. Prototype — for connecting screens for demos
  2. Symbols (a cog instead of the purple 🔄 icon)
  3. Scissors?
  4. Scale?
  5. Pathfinder-style Combine layers

On the bottom right, there’s a new section, Interactions, for animations I assume.

Layer Styling

Layer styling looks very familiar — you have typography, fills, strokes, shadows etc. You can stack fills and shadows.

There doesn’t seem to be an angular gradient, image or noise fill, but maybe image fills happen elsewhere.


Here we can see the Grid option, but I think this will be pretty powerful and give lots of responsive design flexibility, going by the video.


This looks like a Symbols list, with version control to make sure you have the latest symbol from a shared library. You can see Github-style comments in there, and diffs.


This looks similar to Craft Inspector, but there’s more options and more control over the animations.

That’s what stood out for me in the video — let me know if I missed anything, especially what looks new and unique…

