Perfectionism Is Creative Suicide

Because killing your chances to make mistakes = killing your chances to make magic.

2 min readJan 1, 2018

Perfection is the death of all things.

You cannot be perfect if you wish to be alive, for the act of living is an act of creating.

In creation you can never attain perfection, for creativity has no end. Creativity is about exploring and expanding possibilities, not ending them.

You only pause to take a breath between possibilities, before starting anew.

To seek perfection then, in a way, is to seek your own creative death. For in perfection, there is no life left to live. In perfection, there is nothing left to create.

You cannot add to perfection, merely admire it.


To seek perfection in oneself
is to commit creative suicide.

Seek perfection in yourself, and strike an end to your creative possibilities.

There is no possibility after perfect.

If you wish to truly be alive, you must make a mess of yourself, a fool of yourself, over and over. To start and stop, again and again. To trace the cycle of creation from destruction and nothingness and…

