How to Join Cosmos Testnet Gaia-9001

3 min readNov 11, 2018


Cosmos team planned to start Gaia-9000 testnet with Gaiad built upon Cosmos-SDK v0.25.0 in previous announcement. But, since there are too many breaking changes and it’s difficult to provide a feature-complete software in one single release. In the end, the team used Cosmos-SDK v0.26.0 to bootstrap Gaia-9000 testnet. The breaking changes in this release are explained in this blog.

Centralized Bootstrap Validatorset

In previous iteration of Gaia testnet, the genesis file is based on a snapshot of previous testnet. In this way, we achieved a distributed form of bootstrap. The advantage of this kind is to engage community members more. But in Gaia-9000 it’s impossible to export validatorset info from previous. So, the team went with exporting the balance state and giving everyone 50 steaks. Cosmos team launched a four-node swarm first, then everyone could claim their candidacy later.


The genesis file for Gaia-9000 was published Friday. But, it was turned out to be wrong since the new gentx process needs all genesis validators to sign the bonding transactions and the signatures’s chain-id mismatched. The team quickly fixed the generation process and Gaia-9000 finally went live.

However, we still discover two major bugs in this release:

  • Prometheus is broken
  • Seed nodes don’t sync

In summary, the network was stalled! The peer exchanging issue was critical and the Addressbook got entries of node without a Peer-ID. This is a Tendermint issue. The team made some patches and fixed the Prometheus issue. Seed node mode can function normally again. A new release candidate was made and more details on this PR and the team published a new genesis file.

R.I.P Gaia-9000!

How to join Gaia-9001

  • Install the correct version of Gaiad
git checkout --v0.26.1-rc1
make all

Verify Gaiad Version


Download Genesis File


Configure the Node

persistent_peers=",,,"seeds = ",,,"

After these steps, you could start your node with:

gaiad start

Common Issue

  • Configuration File

In previous release, the default value of commit-timeout was wrong. So, make sure your configuration is the following:

timeout_propose = “3s”
timeout_propose_delta = “500ms”
timeout_prevote = “1s”
timeout_prevote_delta = “500ms”
timeout_precommit = “1s”
timeout_precommit_delta = “500ms”
timeout_commit = “5s”
  • Client Query

This version of Gaiacli introduce light-client proof. By default, the light client is not under trust-mode. So if you execute:

gaiacli query signing-info $(gaiad tendermint show-validator) --chain-id gaia-9001

You could run into the following error

ERROR: Invalid commit -- insufficient old voting power: got 200, needed 267

More in this issue.

To by pass this error, you should add trust-node= true in your command.

Useful Links

  • Explorers
  • Faucet

Coming soon ^^




Built with Cosmos-SDK, IRISHUB enables cross-chain interoperability while providing modules to support distributed business systems.