The End of an Era.

Brandon Mowat
3 min readJan 26, 2015

Teehan+Lax has been an inspiration to many. For those of you who don’t know them; you should, because they helped craft the site you’re on right now.

All my dreams are dead. Maybe that’s a little dramatic to you, but not me. After about a few months of teaching myself design I stumbled upon a CSS animations cheat sheet written by @jxtn. I thought it was the greatest thing ever. (Keep in mind I had never experienced open source software before). I then graduated to his website to learn more about Justin.

I read his bio and found out he worked for some company called “Teehan+Lax”. What a weird name for a company? I went straight to google to do some deeper investigation.


“They are literally right around the corner from me.”

I browsed their site a little more and read all of their case-studies. They had done a lot of great work. They had huge clients like Bell (a Canadian telecommunications company), The Globe and Mail (a Canadian newspaper), and Medium. I went to this “Medium” site and fell in love instantly. A writing platform that actually does writing, right (a mouthful; I know).

Teehan+Lax saw things that people had never really thought about before. Sure, design firms try to improve on existing things, but T+L went 100 layers deeper. Taking design to the next level. Some may even say over 9000.

I had made it my new goal to become a part of their team.

I switched to computer science and began honing in on my design skills. I did my research and tried to form the same frame of mind as the T+L team. I wanted it so bad.

About a week ago I finally felt I had enough knowledge to reach out to them and inquire about internship opportunities. I went to their site and I was welcomed with a very unsettling site (pun intended).

No. No. No. No. No…




I read their message and was deeply saddened. One of my biggest goals in life and I had reached a dead end. No way around it.

I did, however, understand why they made that decision. They did great things and were being recruited full-time to work on the biggest social network on earth. It would have been so hard to turn down. They made the right choice, however disappointing it may be to me.

Thank you Teehan+Lax for all of your great work. We’re all very excited to see what comes in the next chapter. It is truly the end of an era.

