A False Sense of Laziness

It’s so easy to delude yourself into thinking you’re not doing enough.

Irma Geddon
4 min readMay 17, 2022

I’ve been taking a long weekend: Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

I came to check on Twitter, answered a few comments, and checked my stats, but used the rest of the time to relax: I watched YouTube videos, I did some gaming, and I spent time with my family.

It’s now Tuesday and I have a few administrative tasks and appointments I need to tend to… and I feel like I have not worked enough this month!

I feel like I have been neglecting my projects, and that brings me a lot of stupid, unnecessary shame

Shame because if I’m not working, I must be lazy, right?

Shame because I did not do everything I wished to do, and did not overwork myself for the sake of productivity.


My brain is playing tricks on me

I forget so easily the path I want to take.

I wake up, and I have to remind myself over and over that I chose another mindset. The mindset of self-care, of anti-capitalism, of making sure that I keep my spoons and continue to work my



Irma Geddon

I am a multipotentialite neurospicy chronically ill artist, earning money with passive income. USA Today Bestseller.