I Will Follow Who I Damn Well Please, Medium! 😤

Once again, authors are coming at other authors from a scarcity mindset, and I am not there for it

Irma Geddon
4 min readOct 3, 2022


There is a lot of ranting around the number of followers on Medium, lately. People are complaining about the ratio of following/followers—as if it was any of their business.

I am tired of seeing that kind of behavior.

Let’s put this into perspective now.

You go to a library and Teh GaTeKEePerS tell you you can only pick something to read within a limited number of books.


You are home, but your neighbors judge your shelves and enforce the fact that you can’t have books from more than 10 authors.

HUH? 😐

You read the journal, but you can’t have more than two sections. Comics or sports? Local news? Pick no more than two!

WTF. 😑

The days of gatekeeping are over—when the big publication companies could decide which books to print or not. Nowadays, everyone can write, and everyone can publish. And it’s a good thing. I’ve read so many self-published books that hadn’t been accepted by the…



Irma Geddon

I am a multipotentialite neurospicy chronically ill artist, earning money with passive income. USA Today Bestseller.