IT resilience in internal audits

Building IT Resilience: Key Strategies for Internal Audits

iRM Cloud
4 min readMay 11, 2023

IT resilience has become increasingly important in today’s fast-paced business environment. Organizations rely heavily on their IT systems to operate and deliver products and services to customers. Internal audit functions play a crucial role in ensuring that these systems are secure and functioning as intended. In this context, IT resilience is essential for internal auditors to be able to navigate challenges, maintain their focus on the organization’s objectives, and ensure that internal audits continue to provide value to the organization.

What is IT resilience?

IT resilience is the ability to maintain business operations despite disruptions to IT systems. Disruptions can come in many forms, such as natural disasters, cyberattacks, or human error. IT resilience involves being able to quickly recover from these disruptions and maintain business operations with minimal impact on customers or employees.

Why is IT resilience important in internal audits?

IT systems are critical to the success of modern organizations, and any disruption can have a significant impact on business operations. Internal auditors are responsible for ensuring that these systems are secure, compliant, and functioning as intended. Disruptions to IT systems can make this task more challenging, and auditors need to be able to adapt quickly to changing circumstances. IT resilience is essential for internal auditors to be able to maintain their focus on the organization’s objectives and continue to provide value to the organization.

Challenges to IT resilience in internal audits:

Rapidly evolving threat landscape: The threat landscape is constantly evolving, and new threats are emerging all the time. This makes it difficult for internal auditors to stay ahead of the curve and ensure that IT systems are secure and resilient.

Lack of resources: Building IT resilience requires significant resources, including financial resources, technology, and personnel. Many organizations struggle to allocate the necessary resources to build IT resilience in their internal audit function.

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The complexity of IT systems: IT systems are becoming increasingly complex, with multiple layers of technology and interdependencies. This complexity can make it challenging for internal auditors to identify vulnerabilities and respond effectively to disruptions.

Lack of training: Many employees lack the necessary training to respond effectively to disruptions. This can make it difficult for organizations to maintain business operations in the event of a disruption.

Photo by Jason Goodman on Unsplash

Tips for building a more IT-resilient internal audit function:

  • Conduct a risk assessment: To build a more IT-resilient internal audit function, it is essential to conduct a risk assessment. This involves identifying potential risks and vulnerabilities in IT systems and assessing the impact of these risks on business operations. Once risks have been identified, it is possible to develop strategies to mitigate these risks and build IT resilience.
  • Develop a business continuity plan: A business continuity plan is essential for maintaining IT resilience. This plan should outline procedures for responding to disruptions to IT systems and maintaining business operations. It should include clear guidelines on how to prioritize IT work during a crisis, how to ensure that critical systems are restored first, and how to communicate with customers and employees during a disruption.
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  • Invest in IT infrastructure: Investing in IT infrastructure is essential for building IT resilience. This can include investing in redundant systems, cloud-based solutions, and disaster recovery tools. IT infrastructure should be designed to minimize downtime and ensure that critical systems can be restored quickly in the event of a disruption.
  • Train employees: IT resilience is not just about technology. It also involves training employees to respond effectively to disruptions. All employees should be trained in how to respond to disruption and maintain business operations. This can include training in how to use backup systems, how to communicate with customers and employees during a disruption, and how to work remotely if necessary.
  • Test and update regularly: IT resilience requires regular testing and updating. Business continuity plans should be tested regularly to ensure that they are effective and up-to-date. IT systems should also be tested regularly to identify potential vulnerabilities and ensure that they are functioning as intended.
Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

In conclusion, IT resilience is an essential characteristic of internal audit functions. By conducting a risk assessment, developing a business continuity plan, investing in IT infrastructure, training employees, and testing and updating regularly, internal auditors can build a more IT-resilient function. This will enable them to maintain their focus on the organization’s objectives, navigate challenges, and continue to provide value to the organization.

