Simple Guidance For You to Hire A Web DeveloperSimple Guidance For You to Hire A Web Developer

iROID Technologies
8 min readAug 11, 2022


Simple Guidance For You to Hire A Web Developer

So you want to hire web developers in India? Do you require a sole web developer or an entire team of web developers? How big is your project? Do you want to create a complex client-side web service with cloud hosting integration or just add a contact form to your landing page? As you can see, there are a lot of questions to be answered and paths to take. Don’t give up if you don’t yet know the answers.

You may find a step-by-step tutorial in this post on how to hire a web developer for your project and complete it on time and under your allocated cost limit.

Let’s begin.

Six simple steps to recruit a web developer

The most typical procedures for selecting a qualified web developer who can handle small, medium, and large-scale web projects are listed below.

Step 1: Describe your company’s difficulties.

It is difficult to provide you specific advice on which web developers will suit your project the best without first learning the scope and objectives of your project. You must identify what kind of web development project you require a developer for before you even begin your search:

A straightforward web project could involve creating a straightforward website or adding new functionality to an already existing one. A contact form, a CTA button, a fresh template design, a subscription button, and other features are examples of these features.

The creation of static or dynamic web applications, online shops, and other services that call for the integration of third-party services like CRM, CMS, databases, chatbots, APIs, and others fall under the category of medium web projects.

Large-scale web projects include initiatives like video-sharing social media apps or social networks that call for integration with cloud hosting servers to store all of their user data in addition to a number of complex technologies.

Also Read: Seven Tips To Avoid Failure while you Hire A Web Developer.

Other projects, as the nature and circumstances of initiatives, can change.

You should also identify the unique business constraints that require hiring a web developer at this point. According to our observations, customers seek out web developers in the following three situations:

You want to create a project from scratch, which is a typical situation for both established companies and new startups. The primary objective of start-ups is to break into their niche as soon as possible, thus in order to save time and money, they must hire a web development staff that works remotely. The choice between an internal web development team and a dedicated web development team is also available to current firms that want to automate some business processes.

To assist you with a current project, you must add a second expert to your internal team. In this situation, you have the option of employing a web developer on a freelance basis or outsourcing a developer through a web development company for a set amount of time.

You wish to employ a technology that your own development team is unfamiliar with. You can engage a web programmer from an outsourcing company who is familiar with the technology unless you want to wait for your developers to pick it up.

Step 2: Determine the developer’s capabilities

Web developers come in three different varieties. full-stack, front-end, and back-end developers. What distinguishes them from one another? We’ll see.

The front of your site, or the area that website visitors interact with, is changed by front-end developers. To slightly alter the design and layout of your website, you can hire such professionals. However, keep in mind that a front-end developer and a web designer are two distinct professions. User experience is a key concern for web designers, who are more aesthetically imaginative. They design the website’s layout, color palette, and other necessary visual components. Using technologies like HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, Node.JS, ASP.NET, React.JS, Angular 8, Vue, and others, web developers transform website design into fully usable websites.

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Behind the front-end, or how your website functions, is the back-end development team’s domain. If you want to increase the performance of your website, incorporate other services into the infrastructure of the site, or fix technical problems, you might need the help of a specialist. Back-end developers frequently work with languages and tools like PHP, Python, Ruby, Java, and databases like MongoDB, SQL — MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, and others.

Web developers with full-stack capabilities have experience building both the front end and back end of websites. This expertise is increasingly in demand among startups with little funding. Although full-stack developers charge a higher hourly rate than the developers previously mentioned, working with one of these experts is less expensive than hiring front and back-end developers.

It’s time to get to work and begin looking for the ideal developer.

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Step 3: Identifying the required experts

When searching for web developers, keep in mind that you are hiring a technological partner that will work with your company for a number of years, giving continuing technical support for your project and implementing new website updates. Therefore, you must be very careful while choosing web developers.

However, where can I locate a web developer?

Utilize one of the following websites to hire a freelancer:

The most well-known platform for hiring freelancers is Upwork. Numerous helpful tools are available on the website, such as time tracking and automated payments for reached goals.

Another website for finding remote workers that offer live chat, milestone payments, and other helpful features is

Three million independent contractors use the Guru website as a job marketplace. The website offers a variety of payment choices, including milestone, task, and hourly payments.

If you need a somewhat different strategy to hire a web development team, therefore look for them on the following websites:

Customers can discuss their experiences dealing with development businesses on the B2B review site Clutch. The website includes rating options in addition to search filters. As a result, you can not only identify the ideal team but also learn about its strengths and weaknesses.

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A review website called SoftwareWorld compiles rankings of top developers based on user feedback and geographic region. The website also lists the main markets that the web development team has worked in.

Tech blogs, such as the one you are reading, are places where web development teams share their development skills by providing useful advice to their past, present, and potential clients. Please do not hesitate to contact them if you believe their articles to be insightful and pertinent to your field.

Step 4: Examine the skill level of the web development team.

How do I pick a web developer? Let’s investigate. You assess the web development team’s experience before employing web developers to see if they have the necessary skills to meet your project’s objectives. Therefore, it is always a good idea to inspect the team’s portfolio before filling out contact forms to learn more about their prior work. In addition, you can look up the company’s profile on the Dribble, Behance, and LinkedIn networks. You can contact the team and begin discussing your project if the company’s competence meets your business demands.

What qualities should you seek in a web developer? You should also assess the soft skills of your web developers before signing a non-disclosure agreement (NDA), as these are crucial to the success of the project. The group of essential soft talents consists of:

Being in sync with the development team requires effective communication. Additionally, clearer project requirements and feature sets will result from efficient communication and sharing of expectations, which will reduce misunderstandings.

Read More: Types of Web Development for Beginners

Since a large and complex project comprises not just engineers but also designers, project managers, QA managers, business analysts, and other team members, collaboration is crucial.

Being proactive is important since it is always beneficial when a developer can share ideas, offer comments, and suggest improvements as a project is being developed.

Being approachable and helpful is crucial because if a developer can’t ask a question of another team member, a tiny issue could grow into a larger one. Therefore, the developer’s interpersonal abilities lead to more productive collaboration.

The best approach to assess a web developer’s soft skills is to do a video interview with him or her, ask them to record a video of themselves discussing their work, or ask them to demonstrate how to handle a challenging technical task.

Step 5. Select a working model

You can pick from the following types of cooperation depending on the size and complexity of your web development project:

When well-established companies or start-ups seek to complete a small web development project, the project-based model is common. This approach has a predetermined scope of work and predetermined deadlines. The web development team is also in charge of selecting technological solutions and managing every aspect of the project. In this business model, the web development team is in charge of all duties.

When you need to integrate complicated features into your websites, such as cloud storage integration or the creation of AI chatbots, but you don’t want to spend the time or money on employing in-house experts, the Dedicated Team business model is ideal. You can take individual control of the project roadmap or delegate that responsibility to your committed web development team. The success of the project is dependent on the project management procedure side of things. The PM is in charge of the team if they are on the customer’s side.

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The best choice for creating large projects while staying within the project’s budget is to outstaff or an extended crew. Additionally, for active collaboration, you’ll need an internal CTO and project manager because, with the out staff model, you’ll be in charge of job delegation, project management, and technical management of web developers. Customers hold all accountability, validity, and control in this company model.

Step 6: Select a payment method

You will have to give a single web developer or a web development team a salary each month, just like conventional employees, if you choose to work with them. The out staff and dedicated team working models both call for the same thing. However, you have a few options for a project-based working model:

The ideal solution for small web projects with a defined scope of work and time period is the fixed fee-paying model.

When the extent of the job and the time frame are difficult to anticipate, small, medium or large projects may use the Time and Material, also known as Pay as You Go, method. According to the actual time spent on development, this compensation model pays each developer an hourly wage.

Following this stage, you and your web developers can begin the project’s discovery or genesis phase and generate functional and non-functional requirements for the project’s minimum viable product (MVP).

In a nutshell

You may easily discover a web developer for hire if you need to make minor adjustments to your website, create a web application, or finish a social network with cloud storage and several third-party connectors.

Also Read: Why New Businesses Need the Support of Web Development Companies ?

You may choose the best candidate for your project as well as the ideal working and paying models by following our advice on how to locate a web developer. Don’t undervalue the value of the web developer’s soft skills either, as they have an impact on the outcome of your project.



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