Skills to Look Out For When Hiring a Software Developer

iROID Technologies
4 min readJun 23, 2022


Skills to Look Out For When Hiring a Software Developer

Statistics show that there is a greater demand than supply for developers. While businesses are vying for the finest of the best, many may soon have to assemble teams from what is left over due to a dearth of true talent. A recent McKinsey worldwide poll found that 87 percent of firms are now dealing with a skills shortage or anticipate doing so in the next several years. Finding and keeping qualified individuals for IT positions should be the top priority given the unique challenges of operating during a pandemic. In order to prevent you and your business from being left in the dark and at a loss, iROID specialists have decided to share their views on how to recruit a software developer.

When you hire software developers in India, there are several vital talents you should look for. Let’s examine a few of them.

1. Important Technical Capabilities

It’s crucial to keep in mind that, while necessary, experience is equally valid for determining eligibility. The sector is highly competitive despite the lack of software engineers, so you can afford to be picky. Make sure the potential hire uses the appropriate programming language for your firm (or that you have training available).

Look for a developer who has all the necessary skills. A full-stack programmer is familiar with all aspects of a software product, including the network, database, hardware, and back end. A top software developer should be able to solve issues at any point during the application development process.

2. Social Competencies

There is a myth that portrays the majority of software developers as solitary individuals who prefer to work alone. However, numerous studies have revealed that a team of experts, decision-makers, and end-users would enable many software engineers to work more effectively. A successful software engineer should be a team player, have excellent communication skills, and be able to collaborate with stakeholders to produce a useful product.

3. Critical Thinking Skills

Software engineers frequently run into issues that need to be fixed. Essential talent for this job is the capacity to quickly and critically examine problems. It would be beneficial if you kept an eye out for software engineers who have mastered the challenging art of taking on challenges head-on. The following critical thinking abilities are likely to be present in an excellent software developer:

  • having the capacity to simplify complex, multifaceted goals
  • A software developer should handle several challenging problems concurrently.
  • By developing the skill of utilizing already existing tools; excellent software developers should be able to solve a problem by utilizing already available tools.

4. Learning and Adapting Skills

Software engineers learn new skills much more frequently than other professions do in order to stay current with the newest technologies in a field that is always changing. They will pick up new skills on the job via resources like StackOverflow and GitHub, as well as through online boot camps, seminars, and conferences. Watch out for individuals who invest a lot of time in their professional growth because they are probably more knowledgeable than other applicants.

5. Time Management Skills

You can trust a professional software developer to finish the job on time since they have a strong work ethic and are trustworthy. When working in a quick-paced field like programming, time is of importance. A developer should estimate the amount of time they will need to complete a work, be explicit about this estimate, and keep you updated on any delays or problems.

6. Great Communication Skills

In order to get outcomes, a skilled software engineer must be able to interact with others. By explaining difficulties in plain, uncomplicated language that anyone can comprehend, they should be able to communicate solutions to issues. Look for someone who is willing to work with the current team to go above and beyond to create a service that works.

By scheduling a scrum meeting and seeing how your prospective hire interacts with other team members, you may evaluate this competence throughout the hiring process. By asking someone to complete a task or solve an issue, you can also assess their communication skills.

Final Reflections

If you know what talents and soft qualities to look for when recruiting, finding the ideal software developer need not be difficult. The job is complicated, though, so you need to create a thorough and thorough hiring procedure to make sure you get the perfect developer who checks all the necessary boxes.



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