Denis Villeneuve Movies Ranked

5 min readMar 15, 2024

Denis Villeneuve is one of the most important directors of today who has delivered very interesting thriller and science fiction films and who will definitely become more emblematic with the passage of time and with the works he delivers and he is a master at creating scenes visually striking and imposing that are at the same time slow and dramatic and in this ranking I will only count his American films that have gone through different genres and have handled different formats, creating different and strange stories and being someone who delivers quality with each project he does.

7. Enemy (2014)

We commence with a rather unconventional film, one that I may not revisit. While I acknowledge the endeavor to create something distinct, and commend the adept performances by Jake Gyllenhaal, the overall impression is that of an experimental venture by the director, rather than a narrative-driven film. The primary aim appears to be to evoke a sense of astonishment in the audience, rather than crafting a cohesive and compelling storyline.




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