Be Careful With The Gifts You Accept

Famous Girl
2 min readDec 25, 2021

It’s the thought that counts right?

Not always.

What if the thought is coming from a place of guilt? Selfishness? Or toxic control? Should you accept the gift then? Oftentimes, we still do.

Alluringly, gift giving feels good. It’s a universal way to show appreciation and gratitude. It can even be therapeutic: A way to make up for loss, show how much someone means to you, and to enhance relationships. Yet, this line can quickly become frayed when- instead of gift giving from the base of a healthy relationship, it’s given and received through pain.

During the holidays, surrounded by family, pain sprouting from unsettled anger and resentment is often expected to be publicly concealed until a more “appropriate” time. But accepting a gift with strings attached from someone who has mistreated/taken advantage/abused you never ever needs to be accepted.

It-does-not-matter how much time/energy/money was put into it. A material item can at no point be allowed to make up for emotional harm.

Why have an item containing dangerous energy, indulging in your sacred personal space?

A simple “No” paired with a “thank you for the thought”, is a perfectly appropriate response to something you do not want. It is also ok to (often what I do) accept…



Famous Girl

Ironically famous freshman in college writing about youth culture, growing up and ~life~.