Give Trump a Chance?

Iron Knee
2 min readNov 16, 2016


After the election, I heard people saying that we should give Trump a chance (including from some people who commented in this blog). I have several answers to that.

First, we already know quite a bit about Trump. That he will say anything and contradict himself moments later. That he is all about revenge. That he knows nothing about government. That the main qualification for being in his administration is to never challenge him or disagree with him. We know about Trump University. We know he lied about being against the Iraq war. We totally know his bigotry and narcissism.

It is obvious that Trump could quite easily be worse than Dubya (who fumbled the response to Hurricane Katrina, ignored warnings about 9/11, lied us into a disastrous war, etc.). He also seems worse than Nixon (who was obsessed with revenge, and ultimately resigned in disgrace). I don’t think waiting is an option.

We need to get our priorities straight. Playing the blame game (the Dems should have nominated Sanders, etc.) is also not a good option.

Second, even if you decided to wait, you didn’t have to wait very long. The people already picked to be the major movers and shakers of the Trump administration look bad. Steve Bannon? Rudi Giuliani? Seriously?

Plus Paul Ryan is already lying about how Obamacare destroyed Medicare, so it has to be replaced as well. So Medicare is in danger.

But violence and insults will not help. Again, we need to figure out our priorities and do something about them. We managed to elect Trump and we are stuck with him. Our response will determine how this turns out.

Originally published at Political Irony.

