5 min readAug 20, 2020

Weight Loss Tips for Teenagers

Teenage is the part of life in which you’re young, energetic and is willing to embrace the challenges and is enthusiastic to achieve your goals by hook or by crook. I think so it will not be a wrong guess that every teenager wants to look cool and attractive. Here I’m pretty sure that to look healthy and fit is the goal of most of you, and if it’s not, you better should start thinking over it because healthy body has a healthy mind.

According to the research almost 12.7 million or you can say that 17% of the children and teenagers are the victim of obesity. There are the number of causes of the unhealthy weight gain. In this writing you will be aware of the causes of obesity and also here is the complete detail of tricks and tips to lose your weight instantly.

Importance of weight loss

As a teenager if you have got the problem of weight gain then the solution of this problem also exits; as it is dangerous for your health and also unattractive for your appearance. It is very essential for our health to maintain the healthy weight. In addition to look good and stay fit, weight loss helps you to prevent from the bulk of diseases such as the diabetes, heart stroke, high blood pressure and it also prevent you from the risks of certain types of cancers.

Here I will mention one thing that the teenage is the span of life in which your body growth takes place and your body requires nutrients and the calories in the appropriate amount. So, there is no need to be on the strict diet and tough exercise rather you need the balance diet and healthy exercise habits. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) the magic number to lose the weight is 1–2 pounds per week.

Tips and Tricks of Weight loss

If you randomly search for the tips for weight loss you will find number of ways that you can apply for this purpose. But here I will tell you the most smart and easy ways of losing your weight.

· First of all, I should tell you this trick that weight loss is completely the game of determination. You will be wondering that how this is relatable. So, let me tell you this fact that you can’t lose your weight until or unless you’re not determined, passionate, firm and strong mentally. So first and foremost, thing is that you should ready yourself and set your target in your mind that you will not step back until you achieve your desire goal in weight loosing.

· Secondly, you should be aware of this thing that how much you need to lose your weight. You should have the correct knowledge of it. And for this purpose, you should use the BMI (Body Mass Index) calculator. In this you will get the numerical value of your weight in accordance with the height.

· Nowadays there are number of apps for different purposes, so in your cell phones install the apps such as calorie calculator so that every time you eat something you should calculate the calories in it and hence you will not take them in excess proportion. In addition, there are number of other apps are available for the exercise purposes that teach you particular exercises so that you can easily learn them from there.

· Now I will mention this thing that for weight loss purpose you need to drink the detox water, green tea and cinnamon tea. Here is the tip that always take these teas before you start any exercise. In green tea there is L-theanine and the Caffeine helps to stimulate your muscles so it helps in fat burning during the work out. Similarly, cinnamon tea increases the metabolic rate of your body and it is highly helpful in weight losing process.

· Now in this point we will move towards the most important chunk of the phenomenon and that is diet. I’m recalling here it again that remember you’re a teenager. Your body needs appropriate amount of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Deficiency of even one of them can result in serious consequences. So, you should eat smartly. Eat those things that are natural like fruits, vegetables and meet. Avoid oily stuff. Avoid potatoes and rice. Use eggs more. They are rich in proteins. Eat a lot of vegetables. Avoid junk food such as pizza, burgers, pasta etc. Drink a lot of water. Only take natural sugar in the form of fruits. Avoid overeating especially at night. Eat well, don’t skip your meal but eat smartly.

· Now the last thing is exercise. It is the most important part of your weight loss journey. There is no need of heavy exercises. You can do normal exercise. You can do it in the morning, it will be very effective. The bonus tip is if you want to enjoy your exercise than play any outdoor sport. It could be badminton, baseball, cricket, football anything in which your physical activity is involved.

So, these are some tricks and tips for the weight loss. Everybody knows that technology has made everything easier and more advanced. Our lifestyles have been transformed completely. There is the less need of doing physical activity. We are living sedentary lifestyles. But as a teenager you should make yourself active fit and healthy by following these easy and life changing steps.