UI/UX Case Study — Jago Last Wish Feature

Irvan Tantowi
8 min readOct 24, 2021


Disclaimer: This project is part of the UI/UX Training Program held by the Ministry of Communication and Information with Skilvul and Bank Jago as Challenge Partners. We do not work or are bound by a professional contract by Bank Jago.

Hi everybody! This time, I will share my design process in designing the Last Wish feature on Bank Jago App. This project is a group project (dheanatitaura, gannyruslan) given from participating in training at a Digitalent Kominfo in collaboration with Skilvul. The design process is carried out according to the directions given by the mentor Anastania Melinda from day to day according to the timeline.

Here are the details of this case study:

Timeline: 2 months (effectivelly around 2 weeks)

Tools: Figma, Google Spreadsheet, Google Docs

My Responbilities:

  • I defined user problems and how-to-we might solve them specifically in the Financest feature
  • I made a rough sketch using crazy-8's for the Finance feature
  • I did a wireframe based on crazy-8's, then made a UI kit that was useful as a style guide in making UI Design so that everything looked neat

Design Process

In this project we use the design thinking process because by using this method creativity and innovation will never stop because of the many benefits that will be obtained such as:

  • Better understand the unmet needs of target users.
  • Reducing the risk of failure associated with new ideas, products and services to be launched.
  • Can produce solutions that are revolutionary, not just incremental.
  • Can perform analysis and development more quickly.
Design Thinking

1. Empathize

Insurance and wills are new to me, so at this stage I did my own research, starting from finding out what insurance and wills are, how insurance works, last testament policies, reading articles about insurance, to installing several insurance applications that aim to be used as references. Then discuss with team members about the data that has been collected.

Here’s a brief challenge from Bank Jago:
Currently, there are many places to get life insurance products complete with details and prices. Of course this is not the type of product that Jago wants. Jago features are made to support users’ lifestyles and also help them achieve their life goals, not just selling financial products. Do you wake up in the morning thinking about opening a deposit or buying insurance? Of course not right?

Imagine if you could make a will digitally, the contents of which could be whatever you wanted to do and the funding for its implementation could be guaranteed by the insurance product behind it. You can make a will as usual, leave money for the family, or you can also request that your ashes be sent to outer space! You can make a wish as far as your imagination can take!

For this reason, we currently need a solution or service in the form of a design prototype for a mobile application in order to help customers make plans that anticipate unexpected events in the future that can affect the livelihood and/or welfare of their families. It is also possible for our users to use this feature for social purposes, contributing to their environment and community even after death.

2. Define

— Hypothesis/Background

Create and introduce features that help to make plans that anticipate unforeseen events in the future that could affect the livelihoods and/or well-being of their families. Bank Jago users also use this feature for social purposes, contributing to their environment and community even after death.

— Objective

  • The steps for making a will are easy, considering that users can enter various types of requests
  • An easy way to calculate the required monthly payment for the desired form of will
  • Management of commitments made and edit wills
  • Gamification or creative ways related to a healthy lifestyle and fitness level that can lower the cost of that monthly commitment

— Persona

A user persona is created to give a better picture of the user character. The persona represents the target user of the product. User persona can help to identify and solve the users’ problem.

— Pain Point & How-Might We

In the Pain Point and How-Might We stages are used to describe problems that may be experienced by users and think about how to solve these problems. Then a vote is made to choose the priority to be taken.

3. Ideate

— Affinity Diagram

After getting the points on how might we, then a discussion is held to group these points into an affinity diagram.

on the affinity diagram we are still voting again to choose which solution can be taken and worked on. After selecting some points, we input them into prioritization ideas and divide them based on user value and effort. after everything is divided, the next step is to do what is in the “Yes, Do It Now” for the first and “Later” for the last section.

— Prioritization Idea

— Crazy 8's

To give an idea of the visuals that will be built, we made crazy 8's. As the name suggests, crazy 8's was carried out for 8 minutes and made 8 visuals. after all complete the process and then upload it to figjam then a vote is carried out to realize the UI that will be made later.

4. Prototype

Finally, after passing the Ideate stage, we get 3 priority features, namely Asuransi, Keuangan, and Wasiat. At this stage, we start creating a user flow that will provide an overview of the feature journey that will be created.

User Flow

Before making a UI Design, we make a UI kit first so that later the designs we make can be neat and uniform. The UI kit here is mostly based on the Bank Jago application.

Thanks to Freepik for the onboarding illustration. We also use Apple Emojis, Feather Icons, Flaticon, and get a few icons from Iconify plugins for our project.

Here you can try the final UI design and prototype results.

5. Test

In-Depth Interview dan Usability Testing

Research date : 19 October 2021

At this stage, testing is carried out on the design of the solution that has been made, testing is carried out using the in-depth interview and usability testing methods. for in-depth interviews, namely conducting interview sessions with respondents to ask several questions related to application products or others followed. then the respondent is asked to test the prototype with the tasks requested by the interviewer, after completion it will be asked a question in the form of a single ease question, namely one question is intended for one task or can be for the whole task that has been done, whether the respondent feels helped, facilitated, satisfied, effective, and efficient in its use with a prototype that has been tested. Then after receiving the feedback, it will be analyzed using a Likert scale. For the value scale that I propose, which is 1 to 7. for a value scale of 1 the design of this solution is very difficult to use, while for a value scale of 7 the design of this solution is very easy to use.

To validate the UI design that has been made, 5 respondents are needed so that the results are valid. but here we only use 1 respondent due to project deadlines and also suggestions from our mentors.

The respondent also gives us feedback, input, and insights to improve the design. One of the feedback was to put more variation of the ‘add new field’ tab such as maps for location, link, and upload document. We think that this insight is really good and has a good value to the features and so we edit the design and one of the results is like this.


In conclusion, using the SEQ (Single Easy Question) Matrix respondents gave a score of 6 out of 7 for the whole task, usefulness was worth 5 out of 5, convenience was worth 4 out of 5 and satisfaction was worth 5 out of 5. This means that respondents are satisfied, happy, and helped by the design. this solution.

There’s nothing in this world that’s perfect, even for this case study. There are a few recommendations to improve this feature for anyone who has an interest in this kind of project (like me!)

  1. Integration of Last Wish paper docs to upload into the system (scan the docs) with bank balance (all banks, not just Jago)
  2. Add gamification flow in getting that discount or promo, connected with how to maintain healthy life to lower the commitment bills
  3. Provide easy shortcut to add beneficiary(heir) into the system

I also believe that a lot of improvement still can happen in the future, this project is so interesting that I would love to explore more.

Thank you for your time and attention for reading my ux case study. I really hope for your feedback and input on this case study, so that in the future I can make better ux case studies. let’s connect with each other on Linkedin.

