Sending Build Status Notification From Google Container Builder to Github

Irvi Aini
Google Cloud - Community
2 min readMay 6, 2018

This basically an attempt to get a status events from Google Container Builder back to Github, since Google Container Builder don’t support build based on Pull Request, at least Not Yet. Back then, a friend of mine, Cakra Wardhana, told me if it’ll good if we can get the build status from Container Builder back to Github based on commit SHA. He then explained a little bit about Github API V3, specifically the Status Event. I’ve create a simple Container Builder to Slack before with also his help. We can use the fact that a Build resource was sent to Google PubSub each time Container Builder was triggered.

Based on that information, I’m using Google Cloud Function to get events from Google PubSub and sent the Status event back to Github.

const https = require("https")
// reference:
const agent = new https.Agent({ keepAlive: true })
const octokit = require("@octokit/rest")({ agent: agent })
const settings = require("./settings.json")
const whitelistedRepositories = [] // put your whitelisted repository in hereoctokit.authenticate({
type: "token",
token: settings.accessToken
// Can be one of error, failure, pending, or success.
const statusMap = {
QUEUED: "pending",
WORKING: "pending",
SUCCESS: "success",
FAILURE: "failure",
CANCELLED: "failure",
TIMEOUT: "error",
module.exports.sendContainerBuilderStatusToGithub = event => {
const build = eventToBuild(
if (!build.tags.includes("status-check")) {
return // only send status for build that has `status-check` tag.
if (!statusMap[build.status]) {
return // skip if the current status is not in the status list.
=// format: github-{owner}-{repo}
const cbRepoName = build.sourceProvenance.resolvedRepoSource.repoName
const repoName = cbRepoName.replace("github-{owner}-", "")if (!whitelistedRepositories.includes(repoName)) {
return // skip if not in in whitelisted repositories.
const failureSteps = build.steps.filter(
s => s.status && s.status === "FAILURE"
let description = ""
if (failureSteps.length !== 0) {
description = failureSteps[0].id
const commitSha = build.sourceProvenance.resolvedRepoSource.commitShaconst request = {
owner: "some-owner",
repo: repoName,
sha: commitSha,
state: statusMap[build.status],
target_url: build.logUrl,
description: description,
context: "continuous-integration/container-builder"
console.log("request: ", request)return octokit.repos.createStatus(request)
// eventToBuild transforms pubsub event message to a build object.
const eventToBuild = data => {
return JSON.parse(new Buffer.from(data, "base64").toString())

To authenticate the request to Github API I’m using octonode, the authentication process are based on personal token.


  1. Auto Assign Reviewers using Cloud Functions
  2. Sending Build Notifications
  3. Github API V3: Statuses
  4. Configuring Notifications for Third-Party Services



Irvi Aini
Google Cloud - Community

Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, and Open Source.