Dingo: Seamlessly Integrate Python Functions into ChatGPT

Iryna Kondrashchenko
3 min readJun 25, 2023


Integrate any Python function into ChatGPT in a single line of code.


Recents advancements in Large Language Models led to the emergence of AI Agents. In plain terms, an agent is a mechanism that equips LLMs with a set of external tools (functions). These tools can be invoked by the model (once or multiple times in a row) based on the user’s input.

Originally, in order to integrate a function into an LLM, it was needed to carefully construct the prompt in order to describe the function. Additionally, the output had to be parsed to detect whether the model intended to use this function.

The latest release of GPT introduced function calling capabilities that simplify the process of integrating the functions. First of all, it defines a clear and fixed structure for describing the functions. Moreover, the models themselves have been further fine-tuned to both detect when a function should be called (based on the input) and to respond with JSON that adheres to the function signature. However, despite these improvements, the integration process still remains tedious and requires a lot of overhead.

In this article we will explore how to build a simple conversational AI agent using the Agent Dingo library.

The key feature of Dingo is that it allows to integrate an external function into ChatGPT by adding just a single line of code.

Quick Start

To give a quick glimpse into a core functionality of Dingo, we will build a simple agent that is able to provide the information about the current weather by querying the OpenWeather API.

As the first step, the library has to be installed.

pip install agent-dingo

Next, we need to set the OpenAI API key. You can check how to create the key in my previous post.


Then, our Dingo agent can be instantiated as follows.

from agent_dingo import AgentDingo

agent = AgentDingo()

Let’s say that for getting the current weather via OpenWeather API we have a get_temperature function. In order to integrate it into ChatGPT we need to add a single line of code — the decorator @agent.function.

def get_temperature(city: str) -> str:
base_url = "https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather"
params = {"q": city, "appid": openweathermap_api_key, "units": "metric"}
response = requests.get(base_url, params=params)
data = response.json()
print("get_temperature function output :", data["main"])
return str(data)

To get the output we need to call thechat method.

agent.chat("What is the current weather in Linz?")

As you can see the process of function integration is very intuitive and simple. Behind the scenes we are asking ChatGPT for a current weather in Linz. The model has access to the function (get_temperature) that was integrated by using agent.function decorator. The model decides to call get_temperature function and passes city Linz as an argument. The response is parsed and we receive the following output.

The current temperature in Linz is 30°C.

As you might have noticed, we did not have to provide any descriptions of the function. This is achieved by the automatic docstring generation during the registration process (when agent.function decorator is called). However, this might be suboptimal for complex functions. Therefore, instead of relying on automatic generation we encourage you to always provide a docstring of the function. It is possible to use either google or numpy docstring styles. In our get_temperature example it would look as follows.

def get_temperature(city: str) -> str:
"""Retrieves the current temperature in a city.
city : str
The city to get the temperature for.
str representation of the json response from the weather api.
base_url = "https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather"
params = {"q": city, "appid": openweathermap_api_key, "units": "metric"}
response = requests.get(base_url, params=params)
data = response.json()
print("get_temperature function output :", data["main"])
return str(data)

You can find the code used in this article (with extended examples) here.


In this article we explored how Agent Dingo streamlines the process of integrating Python functions into ChatGPT in order to build a simple conversational AI agent. With Dingo, you no longer have to worry about manually integrating the functions or dealing with intermediate function calls. The framework is crafted to automate these tasks, allowing you to focus on writing the core functionality of your app.

