So, what’s a technical writer?

Iryne Vanessa Somera
3 min readJun 13, 2024


A photo depicting a technical writer and yellow typewriter.
Made in Canva by the Author

I want to dive into a topic close to my heart and my career: What exactly is a technical writer?

This question comes up more often than you’d think, so I figured it’s time to clear up the mystery and share some insights from my journey.

Let me start with a funny story.

Whenever I tell people that I’m a technical writer, I usually get a raised eyebrow and a puzzled look.

“A what?” they ask.

It’s always amusing to see their reactions when I explain that I write software documentation, user guides, and SOPs.

They often respond with, “Oh, that sounds…interesting?” with a hint of confusion.

This is especially true when I encounter people who aren’t familiar with the tech industry.

One example was during a casual chat with a neighbor, who’s in his late 60s.

He asked about my job.

I explained what I do, and he said, “So, you write those electric fan manuals that no one reads?”

I responded, “I don’t really mind if no one reads them; I’m being paid, and it pays the bills.” :)

We both had a good laugh, but it gave me the perfect opportunity to explain why those manuals are actually very important!

Now, let’s talk about technical writing in a nutshell.

Technical writing involves creating documentation that helps people understand and use a product or service.

This can include user manuals, how-to guides, white papers, API documentation, SOPs, and more.

Sounds complicated?


The goal is to communicate complex information clearly and concisely, making it accessible to a specific audience.

So, what does a technical writer do?

A technical writer wears many hats.

Believe me, but we don’t do manual data entry. A misconception that I’ve experienced over the years.

We research to understand the product, service, or subject matter thoroughly.

Writing clear, concise, and accurate documentation is a crucial part of the job, along with editing to ensure the text is error-free and easy to understand.

Collaboration is key, as technical writers work with subject matter experts (SMEs), developers, engineers, and other stakeholders.

Formatting the document layout to make it visually appealing and readable is another important aspect.

Keeping documentation current as products and technologies evolve is also part of the role.

Why is this role important?

Technical writing is crucial because it bridges the gap between complex information and the end user.

Whether it’s a developer trying to understand an API, a customer setting up a new device, or a team following safety protocols, good documentation makes the process smoother and more efficient.

Now, if you’re considering a career in technical writing, here are some tips to get you started:

Clear, concise writing is at the heart of technical writing. Practice regularly and seek feedback.
Familiarize yourself with tools like Google Workspace, Markdown, and content management systems (CMS).
Tailor your writing to meet the needs of your audience, whether they’re technical experts or everyday users.
Continuously learn about new technologies, trends, and best practices in your field to stay relevant.
Showcase your work to potential employers or clients, including a variety of writing samples to demonstrate your versatility.
Join professional groups, attend webinars, and connect with other technical writers. Networking can open doors to new opportunities.

With the rise of AI and automation, some might fear that technical writing jobs will disappear.

However, the opposite is happening.

AI tools can help with tasks like editing and formatting, making technical writers more efficient and allowing us to focus on the creative aspects of the job.

The demand for skilled technical writers continues to grow as industries recognize the value of clear, effective communication.

Being a technical writer is about more than just writing manuals and guides.

It’s about making complex information accessible, helping users navigate new technologies, and ultimately making their lives easier.

My journey has been filled with learning, growth, and unexpected opportunities, and I’m excited to see where it takes me next.

If you’re passionate about technology and enjoy writing, technical writing could be the perfect career for you.

Stay curious, keep learning, and remember — sometimes, all it takes is a witty idea to catch someone’s eye.

Here’s to more successes and creative breakthroughs! 🚀



Iryne Vanessa Somera

I manage Somera Solutions while also writing about marriage, motherhood, mental health, and technical writing.