Atexto: Earn money by transcribing audio to written text

8 min readAug 6, 2022


Atexto is a well-known crowdsourcing platform that allows the possibility of working on the transcription and labeling of audios in 24 different languages ​​with their corresponding accents. In case you don’t know, audio transcription is a type of online task that consists of listening to an audio and converting it to text, it’s that simple.

The ease of doing this work and the possibility of doing it remotely (at home, at the office, while traveling, etc.), has made this platform a very popular site.

Taking into account that both the registration and the subsequent use of the platform is completely free, it can be a great opportunity if you are looking for new ways to earn money online or work from home without schedules or restrictions of any kind. If you find it interesting, stay with me for a while 😎

What is Atexto?

Formerly known as QuieroTranscrito, this platform provides a comprehensive audio transcription service for clients and collaborators that includes the following solutions: data collection, benchmark reports, transcriptions for Machine Learning and synthetic data.

Although all this may sound a bit strange, the truth is that in the end it is something quite simple: it is about listening to different audios and literally converting them to text (including everything that comes naturally when speaking, such as indecisions, repetitions or babble), all remotely and without any investment.

As is evident, this type of work can be carried out by anyone regardless of their academic training, since it does not have any complications. As I will show you below, it is not necessary to have good spelling or grammar either. You don’t even have to pass an entrance exam! 😮

Basics and main features

Before going into detail about how Atexto works and how you can generate income within its platform, it is important that you know some of its most relevant features. They are the following:

Site management : Behind this page is Atexto LLC, a company of Argentine origin with its headquarters at 8 the Grn, Ste a, Dover, Delaware, 19901, United States.

Minimum withdrawal : 10 dollars.

Payment method: PayPal.

Referrals : Yes. In addition to the money you make from your individual activity, you will earn $2 for each person who signs up with your referral link and makes their first withdrawal.

Language : Spanish, English, French and Italian.

Accepted Countries : Many

Status : Paying ✅ Recommended: Yes 👍

Registration in Atexto as a collaborator

If you intend to register in Atexto to earn money from home, you have to do it as a collaborator. To do this, you simply have to access the official website and complete a small registration form in the “Work with us” section that you will see at the top.

A few seconds later, you will receive a confirmation email with a link that you must click to verify and activate the account. Next, you will see an introductory video that is highly recommended to watch, especially to understand how the tasks work and what you must do to complete them successfully.

Once you have seen it, you can start working by pressing the “Complete tasks” button.

How does Atext work?

The truth is that the operation of Atexto is very simple and consists mainly of three phases:

1 Reception of projects : The platform receives the request for transcription services from companies and artificial intelligence scientists from all over the world. The goal of this is usually to generate audio to train your systems and make your speech recognition engines smarter and faster.

2 Posting : Tasks are posted to collaborators’ accounts (like you or me) for them to complete in their spare time.

3 Payment : The task validation system checks if they are correct and sends the payment to the balance of the collaborators’ account, who can withdraw it to their PayPal account as soon as they reach a minimum of 10 dollars.

What do transcription tasks consist of?

Although all the tasks have the common denominator of transcribing small fragments of audio into text, not all of them have the same work mechanics. Basically, you will find four different types of them:

✍️ 1.- Transcription

You have to listen to an audio fragment and convert it to text, without further ado. That is, it has nothing to do with the translation of texts .

✔️ 2.- Correction

On the initial screen you will see a text and you will have to change what is wrong, add what is missing and/or remove what is excessive.

🎤 3.- Talk

Sometimes the page will present you with an imaginary situation and you will have to follow some expression guidelines using your own words.

📣 4.- Repeat

It’s as easy as playing the audio you’ll hear on your device exactly, that is, not using your own words (just the opposite of what you should do in the previous task).

Difficulty of transcriptions and languages ​​to work

One of the most interesting things about the platform is that you can choose the difficulty of the tasks. However, it is obvious that the greater the difficulty, the better the remuneration. Therefore, my recommendation is to start with the least difficult ones (to get practice), and little by little, take the most difficult ones to earn more.

On the other hand, you must take into account that most of the transcriptions that you will see in your account to perform, will already be done by other users previously. Thus, your occupation will be to improve and correct the work of these people following guidelines established by the website itself.

At the same time, the language of the tasks is something that you can choose before starting, although there are not always audios available in Spanish. If you master other languages ​​such as English or Catalan, your options to work will be much greater.

Finally, once you finish the transcription and have sent it for verification, the website will calculate your percentage of participation with respect to that of the rest of the users. For example, imagine a $3 task split between three users who have spent exactly the same amount of time. The calculation would be like this:

  • Transcription Fee: $3
  • Number of participants: 3
  • Working time of each user: 3 minutes
  • Participation percentage: 33.3%
  • Number of failures of each user: 0
  • Reward for each user: 1$

Beware of mistakes, they can leave you unpaid

Although, as I mentioned at the beginning, the transcription tasks are not difficult at all and you simply have to take some practice, you must be focused and without distractions to carry them out without making mistakes.

The reason for this is that, for every mistake you make, a small part of the remuneration that belongs to you for your participation percentage will be subtracted. Also, if you exceed 5 errors you will not be charged anything , so… pay close attention! 😉

How much money is earned in Atexto ?

You must be very clear that the work of transcribing is not a panacea, on the contrary, it is a rather monotonous task and in no case well paid. However, the point of view of each person can radically change in this aspect, since the standard of living in each country is completely different.

For example, the amount indicated on the website itself that can be earned (up to $15 per hour), in Spain is no wonder, but in countries like Argentina, Colombia or Venezuela it is a more than considerable amount (about all bearing in mind that it is a job that does not require any prior investment).

However, from my point of view, reaching that figure is practically impossible, since no matter how fast you know how to write, you must first listen to the audios to be able to transcribe them, something that always takes time. In addition, to that should be added the time to review the tasks, something necessary to be able to deliver them without fail.

In short, being very fast in transcribing (that is, listening and writing), being lucky when it comes to receiving assignments and dedicating enough time not to make mistakes (which take money away from your work), I believe that a figure can be reached that It will be around $5 per hour at most.

Is that enough for you? Well go ahead, you lose nothing by trying. Does it seem little to you? Well, nothing happens either, since there are other very interesting alternatives to earn money writing in a traditional way (that is, without the need to listen to audio).

But… Does Atexto pay and is it reliable?

Yes, of course. The page continues to pay on time as the first day. In addition, it currently pays within 3–5 business days, much faster than in its beginnings (where it could perfectly take up to 3 weeks).

However, the maximum term stipulated in its terms of service is 15 working days.

As a really curious fact, it is the only page that I know where you do not need to have your own PayPal account to collect the earnings, since you can receive the money in the account of another individual (a friend, a relative, a trusted person, etc). Incredible true? 😮

On the other hand, it is not mandatory that you withdraw your funds on a certain date, since you can accumulate all the balance you want and withdraw it at the time you consider appropriate. As the only requirement, you must reach a minimum amount of 10 dollars to make a payment request.

Last (but not least), all the money you have accumulated with your work will be received in full, that is, without commissions that reduce the total amount.

Conclusion and opinions about Atexto

I have to admit that the first days of using the platform were quite heavy for me, since at the beginning there were many tasks with which I did not gain anything. Audio transcription is a very easy job to do, but it requires a lot of practice and some perseverance to be truly profitable.

As the days go by, things change quite a bit and you begin to see how the profits are generated at a more or less decent speed, although that is, without reaching figures that allow you to obtain a large salary. Realistically, the page only gives the possibility of earning extra money on a more or less recurring basis.

While it is true that this company can cause a lot of controversy about how well or poorly the transcripts are paid the truth is that there are currently more than 240,000 people from Spanish speaking who work daily on their website.

In my opinion, there are ways to earn money online much more profitable than this, although it is also true that each person has their preferences and in all countries it does not always work the same. In the end, the ideal is to experiment for yourself and see if it is really worth it or not.

And you, did you already know this platform? What do you think about her? Do you have any experience you want to share about its operation? Do not hesitate to leave your comments and opinions. For my part, nothing more, I hope you liked the article and it was useful. All the best! 🙂

