CS373 Spring 2022: Isaac Adams

Isaac Adams
2 min readMay 2, 2022

What did you do this past week?

This past week I’ve been struggling. All the final projects for my classes are due next week, so I’ve been very stressed out trying to get it all done. In addition, it’s been hard to keep up the motivation to work for so long.

What’s in your way?

Currently, my dread. I am not looking forward to this week. I need to finish so much different stuff that I feel extremely discouraged. A break would do wonders, but unfortunately, it doesn’t look like I’ll have the opportunity. I wish I didn’t have to take 3 upper-division CS courses this semester, but unfortunately, I have no choice with my current degree progress.

What will you do next week?

Next week I need to finish all my final projects. This includes projects for computer graphics, software development, and neural networks. In addition, I need to prepare presentations for all of them. This is alongside my part-time job and preparations for my internship this summer.

What did you think of Paper #14: The New Methodology?

I thought it was interesting reading about the agile methodology. I think it makes some astute observations about how previous methodologies failed to address how software development differs from engineering. I will say it is somewhat intimidating how much it relies on individual developers though.

What was your experience of refactoring?

Again, refactoring was fine. In general, I think the ideas are pretty self-explanatory. The only thing I learned of note is that you should attempt to do as little work as possible to get the refactoring to work. I also thought the lectures were examples of good refactors to perform.

What made you happy this week?

This week I got to go home and visit my Dad. It was fun hanging out, but I may have ended up more stressed afterward since I have so much school work. In addition to that, I’ve been enjoying reading a light novel I found. It’s honestly become a problem how much I would rather read than do work.

What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

My tip of the week is that if you have a problem and there seems to be no clear reason or solution, then try restarting your computer. This week I have had multiple obtuse problems that magically went away after restarting my computer. I know that this is common knowledge, but I feel that sometimes we forget it with all the complex work we do.

