Unleashing the Power of Indian Start-up Funding: An Exploratory Data-Driven Analysis for Success.

Isaac Rambo a.k.a Data Rambo
12 min readAug 1, 2023


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In recent years, the Indian start-up ecosystem has been witnessing a surge in funding, with new ventures emerging in various sectors. This growth has not only attracted the attention of investors but has also fueled the dreams of aspiring entrepreneurs. In this article, I delve into the world of Indian start-up funding, using a data-driven approach to analyze trends and patterns that could pave the way for future success.

Understanding the Start-up Landscape

Before diving into the data, it’s essential to understand the start-up landscape in India. The country has become a hotbed for innovation and entrepreneurship, with a vibrant ecosystem that caters to diverse industries, from technology and e-commerce to healthcare and education. With a large pool of young and talented individuals, India offers immense potential for start-ups to thrive and disrupt traditional markets.

Data Collection and Analysis

To conduct a comprehensive analysis of Indian start-up funding, we collected data from various sources, including venture capital databases, financial reports, and reliable media outlets. The dataset included information on funding rounds, sectors, locations, and investors, providing valuable insights into the dynamics of the start-up ecosystem.


Null hypothesis (H0)

The investment strategies of prominent investors in the Indian start-up ecosystem are statistically similar.

Alternative hypothesis (Ha)

The investment strategies of prominent investors in the Indian start-up ecosystem are statistically different.

Research Questions about Data

The following are some of the questions that was use to show a visualization.

  1. Which regions/Locations has the most startups?

2. What are the top 6 Companies with the Highest Funding Amount?

3. What year saw the highest amount of startup funding?

4. What are the Number of Sectors for Top 6 Locations?

5. Which top 6 Locations received the most investment?

6. Percentage of Top 6 Sectors with Highest Funding


To begin our data analysis, it is imperative to first upload the dataset(s) that will serve as the foundation of our study. In this particular analysis, I was fortunate to have access to a diverse range of Indian startup datasets, which will enable us to explore and understand the funding trends, sector preferences, and investor insights within the thriving Indian startup ecosystem. These datasets will empower us to glean valuable insights and patterns that can inform strategic decision-making for aspiring entrepreneurs and seasoned founders alike. With this robust dataset at our disposal, we can embark on a comprehensive and data-driven exploration of the Indian startup funding landscape. You can get copies of datasets>>here<< on my GitHub page.


To perform data analysis and visualizations, I installed essential Python libraries and packages using the pip feature. These included Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn, and NumPy, among others. The libraries allowed me to manipulate and analyze the Indian start-up funding data, identifying trends and patterns within the ecosystem. By leveraging these tools, I was able to generate informative visualizations and gain valuable insights into top-performing sectors and investor preferences. The combination of Python libraries and the pip feature streamlined the analysis process and facilitated a data-driven approach to understanding the Indian start-up landscape.

Please see examples below to install and import the pandas library.

pip install pandas
  1. import pandas as pd: For data manipulation and analysis.
import pandas as pd

2. import numpy as np : For numerical operations and mathematical functions.

3. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt: For creating visualizations and plots.

4. import seaborn as sns : For creating more advanced and aesthetically pleasing visualizations.


The 2018 Dataset

The dataset contains 526 rows and 6 columns, making it a relatively large dataset with a considerable amount of data. The columns are:

  1. Company Name: This column contains the names of the companies in the dataset.
  2. Industry: This column contains the industry or sector in which each company operates.
  3. Round/Series: This column contains information about the funding round or series that each company has received.
  4. Amount: This column contains the funding amount that each company received in the respective funding round.
  5. Location: This column contains the location or city where each company is based.
  6. About Company: This column contains a brief description or information about each company.

The 2019 Dataset

The dataset contains 89 rows and 9 columns, making it a relatively small dataset with a limited amount of data. The dataset contains the following columns:

  1. Company/Brand: This column contains the names of the companies or brands.
  2. Founded: This column contains the founding year of each company.
  3. HeadQuarter: This column contains the headquarters or main office location of each company.
  4. Sector: This column contains the industry sector to which each company belongs.
  5. What it does: This column contains a brief description of what each company does or its core business.
  6. Founders: This column contains the names of the founders or key individuals associated with each company.
  7. Investor: This column contains the names of the investors or funding sources for each company.
  8. Amount($): This column contains the funding amount received by each company, denoted in dollars.
  9. Stage: This column contains the stage of funding or investment for each company.

The 2020 Dataset

In 2020, the DataFrame contained a total of 10 columns, which were similar to the columns in the 2019 DataFrame. However, the last column in the 2020 DataFrame was found to be irrelevant to the analysis, so it had to be removed. After removing the irrelevant column, the 2020 DataFrame now contains 9 columns, just like the 2019 DataFrame. This ensures consistency and makes the datasets suitable for comparison and analysis.

The 2021 Dataset

In 2021, the DataFrame contained a total of 9 columns, similar to the columns in the 2020 DataFrame. However, upon closer analysis, it was found that the “founded” and “founders” columns in the 2021 DataFrame were not relevant to the analysis and did not provide any valuable insights.

Therefore, to streamline the data and ensure consistency with the 2020 DataFrame, the “founded” and “founders” columns were removed from the 2021 DataFrame. After removing these irrelevant columns, the 2021 DataFrame now contains 7 columns, just like the 2020 DataFrame. This ensures consistency between the datasets and makes them suitable for comparison and analysis.


#I use the pd.read_csv() to get data files

data2018 = pd.read_csv('startup_funding2018.csv') # Read the data from the CSV file into a DataFrame
data2019 = pd.read_csv('startup_funding2019.csv') # Read the data from the CSV file into a DataFrame
data2020 = pd.read_csv('data_20.csv') # Read the data from the CSV file into a DataFrame
data2021 = pd.read_csv('data_21.csv') # Read the data from the CSV file into a DataFrame

Data Collection and Analysis

To conduct a comprehensive analysis of Indian start-up funding, I collected data from various sources. The dataset included information on funding rounds, sectors, locations, and investors, providing valuable insights into the dynamics of the start-up ecosystem.


Before concatenating the datasets, I performed a thorough cleaning process to ensure the data was in a pristine state. I meticulously cleaned all columns, making sure they were free from any inconsistencies. Additionally, I appropriately converted various columns to their correct data types to enhance data integrity. Notably, I converted the “amount” column to float and added a dollar currency format for enhanced readability. By taking these steps, I prepared the datasets for seamless concatenation and subsequent analysis.


Data visualization, also known as exploratory data analysis (EDA), is a crucial step in the data analysis process. Through data visualization, complex and large datasets can be presented in a visually appealing and easy-to-understand format.

  1. Which top 6 Locations received the most investment?

The chart above shows the amount of funding that has been received by startups in different states or locations in India. As you can see, Mumbai is leading with the highest amount of funding, followed by Bangalore in second place.

There are a few reasons why Mumbai is leading in terms of funding. First, Mumbai is the financial capital of India, and it has a large pool of venture capital investors. Second, Mumbai is home to many large technology companies, which can provide mentorship and support to startups. Third, Mumbai has a large and growing population of educated and skilled workers, which is attractive to startups.

Bangalore is in second place in terms of funding. Bangalore is also a major technology hub in India, and it has a large pool of venture capital investors. Additionally, Bangalore has a strong ecosystem of support for startups, including incubators, accelerators, and networking events.

2. Average Funding for Top 6 Locations.

The Chart above shows the average funding amount for startups in different locations. As you can see, California and Mumbai are leading the pack, with over $100 million in average funding.

Shanghai is in third place, with over $50 million in average funding. Beijing, Jiaxing, and Berlin are all trailing behind, with average funding amounts of less than $20 million.

The reason why California and Mumbai have the highest average funding amounts is because they are both major technology hubs. They are home to many large technology companies, as well as a thriving startup ecosystem.

Shanghai is also a major technology hub, but it is not as well-developed as California or Mumbai. Beijing, Jiaxing, and Berlin are all located in countries that are not as well-developed as India or the United States. This means that there is less capital available for startups in these countries.

The average funding amount is a good indicator of the health of the startup ecosystem in a particular location. It shows how much money is available for startups, and how much support there is for them.

3. What year saw the highest amount of startup funding?

The year with the highest amount of funding for startups in India was 2021, with over $175 billion. This was followed by 2020, with over $75 billion. The years 2018 and 2019 recorded the lowest amount of funding in the history of startups, with just over $20 billion each.

There are a few reasons for this increase in funding. First, the Indian economy has been growing rapidly in recent years, which has created a large pool of potential customers for startups. Second, the Indian government has been supportive of startups, providing tax breaks and other incentives. Third, the Indian startup ecosystem has matured, with a growing number of venture capital firms and angel investors.

The decline in funding in 2018 and 2019 was likely due to a number of factors, including the global economic slowdown and the uncertainty surrounding the Indian government’s policies. However, the funding landscape has improved in recent years, and there is a lot of excitement about the future of startups in India.

4. What are the Number of Sectors for Top 6 Locations?

The table above shows the number of sectors in different locations in India. As you can see, Bangalore is leading with over 200 sectors.

Mumbai is in second place with over 100 sectors. New Delhi and Gurugram are battling it out for third place, with each city having over 80 sectors. Chennai and Pune are also battling it out, with each city having over 60 sectors.

The reason why Bangalore has the most sectors is because it is a major technology hub in India. It is home to many large technology companies, as well as a thriving startup ecosystem.

Mumbai is also a major technology hub, and it is home to many large financial institutions. This makes it a good location for startups in the financial technology sector.

New Delhi and Gurugram are both located in the National Capital Region, which is a major economic center in India. This makes them attractive locations for startups in a variety of sectors.

5. Percentage of Top 6 Sectors with Highest Funding

The pie chart above shows the percentage of funding that has been received by startups in different sectors in India. As you can see, fintech and retail are leading with over 80% of the funding.

The Fintech sector is leading the pack, with over 60% of the funding. This is due to the rapid growth of the fintech industry in India, as technology is being used to make it easier for people to access financial services.

The retail sector is also seeing a lot of investment, with over 30% of the funding. This is due to the growing e-commerce market in India, as well as the increasing demand for online retail.

The smallest percentages of the funding were distributed to Edtech, e-commerce, tech company, and hospitality. These sectors are still relatively small in India, but they are growing rapidly.

The rise of technology is having a major impact on the Indian startup ecosystem. As technology continues to evolve, we can expect to see even more new and innovative companies emerge in the coming years.

6. Sectors and their total number of Companies

The Fintech and Edtech sectors are leading the pack in terms of the number of companies in India. These two sectors have seen a surge in growth in recent years, as technology has been used to disrupt traditional financial and educational institutions.

The e-commerce, healthcare, and financial sectors are also battling it out for the top spots. These sectors are all experiencing rapid growth, as technology is being used to make it easier for people to shop, get healthcare, and manage their finances.

The rise of technology is having a major impact on the Indian startup ecosystem. As technology continues to evolve, we can expect to see even more new and innovative companies emerge in the coming years.

The fintech and Edtech sectors are particularly well-positioned for growth, as they are both addressing major pain points in the Indian economy. Fintech companies are using technology to make it easier for people to access financial services, while Edtech companies are using technology to make education more affordable and accessible.

The e-commerce, healthcare, and financial sectors are also ripe for disruption. As technology continues to improve, we can expect to see these sectors become even more efficient and customer-centric.


Trends in Funding Amounts

Our analysis revealed an exciting trend in funding amounts for Indian start-ups. Over the past few years, the funding quantum has experienced significant growth, with several start-ups securing millions of dollars in investments. This surge in funding indicates the increasing confidence of investors in the Indian start-up ecosystem.

Identifying Top Funded Sectors

Among the sectors that have attracted the highest funding, technology and e-commerce stand out as the clear leaders. With the rise of digital technologies and the increasing popularity of online shopping, start-ups in these sectors have captured the attention of both domestic and international investors. Additionally, Fintech, Edtech, Retail, Tech and E-commerce. have also witnessed substantial investments, reflecting the growing demand for innovative solutions in these areas.

Investor Insights

Our analysis also shed light on the key players in the Indian start-up funding landscape. Prominent investors, including venture capital firms, angel investors, and corporate funds, have played a pivotal role in providing financial support to promising start-ups. Understanding the preferences and investment strategies of these investors can provide valuable insights to entrepreneurs seeking funding for their ventures.

Opportunities for Aspiring Entrepreneurs

The data-driven analysis of Indian start-up funding offers a wealth of opportunities for aspiring entrepreneurs. By identifying sectors with high funding potential, founders can strategically align their business ideas with investor preferences. Additionally, understanding the funding stages at which start-ups receive the most funding can help entrepreneurs plan their growth trajectories more effectively.

In Conclusion

As the Indian start-up ecosystem continues to evolve, data analytics provides a powerful tool to unlock its true potential. The analysis of funding trends, sector preferences, and investor insights offers valuable guidance for aspiring entrepreneurs and seasoned founders alike. With a data-driven approach, Indian start-ups can chart a path to success, tapping into the vast resources available in the ever-growing start-up funding landscape.

Remember, data is the key to unlocking the power of Indian start-up funding and shaping the future of innovation in the country. As entrepreneurs and investors unite, the possibilities are limitless, and the journey to success is bound to be a data-driven one.


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Special Thanks

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the Azubi Africa team for their support in this project. I would also like to thank all of my readers for taking the time to read and react to this project. Your feedback has been invaluable, and I have learned a great deal from it.

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Isaac Rambo a.k.a Data Rambo

Hi there! I'm Isaac, a Data Analyst, YouTuber, Python programmer, teaching assistant, web designer, and content creator. It's nice to meet you! Connect with me!