Handle Template Reference Variables with Directives

Part 5 of Advanced Angular Component Patterns

Isaac Mann
Angular In Depth
2 min readFeb 8, 2018


Photo by Samuel Zeller on Unsplash

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04 Avoid Namespace Clashes with Directives
06 Use <ng-template>

I’ve been using template reference variables pretty liberally in my examples so far, and it’s high time I dive in a bit into how to use them to reference specific directives.


Get a reference to a directive from within the template.


A template reference variable is a way of capturing a reference to a specific element, component or directive so that it can be used somewhere else in the same template. They are declared like this#baseToggle or this #myToggle="toggle". Once declared, they can be used anywhere in the template. (Note that if you use an <ng-template> or a structural directive like *ngIf or *ngFor it creates a new template scope and template reference variables declared inside will not be available for use outside.)

Template reference variables will resolve in this order:
1. A directive or component specifically referenced by its exportAs property like this: #myToggle="toggle".
2. The component attached to the element, if present. <toggle-on #toggleOn></toggle-on>
3. The html element, if no component is present. <div #someDiv></div>

1. Directive with exportAs

A directive can have an exportAs property applied to its metadata to allow that directive to be specifically targeted by a template reference variable.

// toggle.directive.ts@Directive({
selector: '[toggle]',
exportAs: 'toggle',
export class ToggleDirective { ... }

// app.component.html
<div toggle #myTemplateRefVar="toggle"></div>
// myTemplateRefVar is the ToggleDirective

2. Component

There can only ever be one component per html element. If there is a component attached to that element, then a plain template reference variable will resolve to that component.

// app.component.html<toggle-on #toggleOn></toggle-on>
// toggleOn is the ToggleOnComponent

3. HTML Element

If there is no component attached to that element, the template reference variable will fall back to the element itself.

// app.component.html<div #someDiv></div>// someDiv is an HTMLDivElement


Note: In this stackblitz I print the class name of the template reference variables using constructor.name to make it clear to what each variable refers.

