Entry #84: Learning from Facebook Campaign breakdowns

Isaac Rudansky
2 min readApr 14, 2019


This is the 84th post in a series. The first post can be found here.

Progress Report

Today was profitable, so that was great.

Revenue today was $244, while spend was $50. Of course, revenue needs to be a lot higher, and it will be.

I have my work cut out for me this week, and I’ll be working on some new Facebook campaigns. One campaign for a live webinar on Thursday, and another campaign driving sales for the Agency Overdrive subscription.

So being that I spent $50,000 on Facebook ads over the past few weeks, there should be some substantial learnings available from the data.

I want to analyze where the most sales came from. It’s one thing to drive webinar registrations, but registrations don’t earn money, and the characteristics of buyers are a lot more important than the characteristics of registrants.

The first thing worth noting is that the 25–34 age group has performed the best for me in terms of actual sales.

In the new campaigns, I’m going to start with only targeting that segment. While Facebook will be trying to optimize for conversions through dynamic content, it’s worthwhile to give Facebook as much of a good head start as possible.

Gender is another dimension with a large variance. Males seem to be performing very well, and that’s another dimension I’m going to focus on in the new campaigns.

Again, I spent a lot of money on generating this data, and it would be foolish to ignore it.

Placement is another important dimension, but it’s harder to extract meaningful data. The video ads opened up additional placement, and there’s not as much data from video regarding purchase rates.

The most registrations came from the Facebook news feed on mobile devices, but the most actual sales came from the the desktop Facebook News Feed.

That makes sense, because the best webinar experience will be on desktop. I’m thinking of only running ads on desktop for this next go round, but that will also throttle the volume from the campaigns a lot, so I’m not sure about that yet.

I’m feeling good about this next push, and I’m excited about the unknown that lies ahead.

Keep on truckin’
- Isaac

The next post can be found here.



Isaac Rudansky

Founder of AdVenture Media, bestselling Udemy instructor, author and philanthropist (just kidding).