Entry #85: Zoom webinar scheduled, new Facebook campaigns.

Isaac Rudansky
4 min readApr 15, 2019


This is the 85th post in a series. The first post can be found here.

Progress Report

I scheduled the live Zoom webinar for this coming Friday morning. I’m giving another keynote at a live virtual summit this coming Friday at noon, so the scheduling will be tight … but doable.

Setting up Facebook conversion tracking is tricky in Zoom, but it’s doable.

In case you ever need to do it, here’s how it’s done.

In the invitations settings of the webinar, click edit by the approvals section:

From there, you’ll see a dialog that looks like this:

You’ll need to copy your entire Facebook pixel into a text editor, and pull out the source URL towards the end of the code and paste that URL into both Tracking Pixel boxes in the Zoom configuration.

Unfortunately, you can’t use Facebooks default registration conversion because there’s no where to add that code in the Zoom template.

Instead, you’ll need to configure a custom conversion in Facebook, based on the URL of the success page Zoom gives you.

You can setup the custom conversion in Facebook to be a registration event, which is great.

In Zoom, all the success URL’s have “/success” in the URL, so use that when configuring your custom conversion in Facebook.

You can test that the pixel is firing the event properly in the Pixel Testing tool that Facebook provides (it’s actually a pretty handy tool).

For the new Facebook campaign, I started by duplicating an existing campaign, that had most of the ad copy and assets that I want to use.

I’m still going with dynamic creative, because I believe in it, but I’m going to be reducing the number of assets I give Facebook to optimize.

For one, this campaign will only run until Friday, and I don’t want it to take too much time to optimize. Second, I have a lot of data on which text / headlines etc. worked the best, so there’s no reason not to use that data to my advantage.

I had to edit a lot of the copy and images to reflect a workshop that is taking place on Friday (the current copy promoted a webinar happening “Today”). So, instead of editing all the copy in each of the ad sets, I simply edited it once in one ad set and made duplicates of that new ad set.

It’s much easier to edit audiences in new ad sets than combing through dynamic creative and making all the necessary changes to all the fields.

For the creative, I’m using 5/10 image and / or video assets, 2/5 text variations, 3/5 headlines, 2/5 descriptions and 1/5 CTA variants.

I’m also only going to be running three ad sets in this campaign, based on feedback from our Facebook rep this past week. She told us to have no more than 3–5 ad sets in a campaign using Campaign Budget Optimization, and I have no reason not to trust her on that.

There’s not much else too it other than that.

Hopefully, the CPA will get off to a much better start this time.

Today, the CPA from the one remaining campaign I have going was down to $4 and change.

There were only 10 registrations, but the CPA was decent and the conversion rate was very high (34.4%).

Maybe this campaign will continue to perform well and we can increase budget back up over time.

But for now, I like this idea of trying some live webinars to see exactly what my attendance and conversion rates are. Additionally, it will give me practice to perfect the pitch and optimize the delivery of the webinar over time.

The new campaign is still in review, so we won’t start getting any data until later tomorrow; Facebook takes an ungodly amount of time approving new campaigns.

But for now, there’s where we stand.

Keep on truckin’
- Isaac

The next post can be found here.



Isaac Rudansky

Founder of AdVenture Media, bestselling Udemy instructor, author and philanthropist (just kidding).