I Got Handcuffed and Sat on a Curb Because I Looked Like Another Black Guy and Other Things I Can’t Control

“I learned that I am a man tangled in invisible shackles latched around my body just as tight as the handcuffs I still feel on my wrists”

Isaac A. Sanders
3 min readFeb 15, 2018
Image description: hands with the face of a man on them in black and white.

When I was 5 years old my teacher told me I could be anything I set my dreams on

What she should have told me was

I can be anything that this white world fiends on

Since my melanin doesn’t unlock the key to the emerald city unless it’s used by whiteness overarching hand

I learned that I am a man tangled in invisible shackles latched around my body just as tight as the handcuffs I still feel on my wrists

When I was 8 years old I wanted to be an astronaut and my teacher told me I shouldn’t shoot that high

So I settled with being an angry black

Stuck in survival mode with a paper mache smile plastered on my face so they don’t see my scowl

“Keep your cool” a line used by my grandma every time I got mad at unfairness

My grandma every time I get mad at injustice

My grandma when I told her I was handcuffed because she’s not allowed to be mad

We’re not allowed to be mad

When I was 12 years old someone called me a nigger for the first time.

“Man that nigger sure is quick.”

I had to ask what he meant by that rather then jumping on his ass, stomping on his face and getting my reparations in a two piece no chicken needed kind of variety

And, as usual I was painted with whitenesses approval

That was when the Oreo comments started trickling in

“Man, you ain’t really black, you ain’t really kin.”

My hue a little too blue due to the fact I was getting beat up by the white and black kids

I didn’t fit in anywhere.

When I was 16 years old I started getting radical

Jimi Hendrix was too “white washed” for Oklahoma so my character couldn’t win and I finally got mad.

I finally got tired.

I finally felt nothing.

I wanted to feel something.

So I cut myself so I didn’t cut anyone else.

I drank myself into frenzies so I could blame the liquor for finally showing feeling.

I smoked so I didn’t have to make sense of nothing.

I tried to kill my self so I didn’t have to pretend the world loved me.

Hopeless in the city full of people who only saw me as

A Oreo

A thug

A sell out

A sissy

A faggot

Not me

All I wanted was to have control.

All I had was wants.

When I was handcuffed sitting on the curb because I looked like another black guy

I was 16 years old

And all I wanted was control



Isaac A. Sanders

I’m a twenty something year old black queer who has a passion for rant writing. Social Justice, Social Media, Gaming, Masculinity, He/She/They